Dry Aged Prime Rib Source?

I am looking for a source for dry aged prime rib for christmas? I’d age it myself, but that is a logistical impossibility at this point as there is not enough time to do the job properly. I am looking for about an 8lb bone in roast. If anyone has seen specifically dry aged prime rib in the area or advertised, I would be very grateful.

Lobel’s? It’s gonna cost you.

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Yeah, I had looked at Lobel’s and Allen Brothers. Allen Brothers was a bit less expensive ($325 vs $360) than Lobel’s for an 8 pounder, but both quite pricey and that’s before shipping.

I am hoping to find a local source (Boston area) that might be priced a bit more reasonably. I’ve always had great luck with prime rib roasts (not dry aged) from Savenors in the past, however since I pretty much only make prime rib once a year now I am unnecessarily tempted to find something extra special.

spoiler alert: potential heresy follows…

first, a whole lotta’ taste tests / experts / sites / idiots tend to agree that the benefits of dry aging beef peaks somewhere around the ten day mark. this, of course, does not apply if one prefers really zingie rotted beef.

result: you’ve got time to do it in the fridge.
reality: if you don’t have space in the kitchen fridge, from a financial standpoint you could buy a small dorm fridge and come out ahead. every year…just toss the small fridge and buy a new one…

bone in…
reality: you buy a integer number of ribs. typically the cut runs about 3 pounds per rib. so you’re looking at three bones, from the small end - that’ll be in the area of 9-10 pounds.

bottom line: yes Virginia, you can dry age your own prime rib in your own fridge and get splendid results. the 90 day dry aged beef of $1000 per plate restaurants is actually smoke and mirrors…

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I definitely like the nutty/funky nuanced flavor of dry aged beef. There are also a whole lotta’ taste tests / experts / sites / idiots who agree that texture and flavor changes from dry aging require a minimum of 21 days.


I’ve had some extravagant meals before, however this is just seems silly. I did receive a Costco ad in the mail yesterday touting a $1,500 wagyu prime rib. I’m sure my dogs would appreciate the bones from that. SMH…

Have you checked Wegman’s?

I’m new to Boston so am still learning sources …

But I did stop into Prime in Arlington a month ago or so. They did have some dry aged beef when I was there and the other cuts they had in the case looked really nice. Could be worth a call.

The Wegman’s suggestion is a good one. I’ve seen dry-aged at the Burlington location. Also, several Whole Foods have dry-aged beef steaks and roasts. That said, I’m pretty sure both Wegman’s and Whole Foods are using the term “prime rib” as the cut, and not necessarily indicating that the meat is USDA prime.

yes, if you want funky, it’ll have to go 3-4 weeks. which is next to not possible in the home fridge.

to age it that long you need, in addition to a very clean atmosphere, humidity control. for a long period, the humidity has to be kept high so the meat does not dry out too much, too fast. a frost free home fridge does not do high humidity.

21 days is pretty iffy for a home fridge in my experience. might work if you wrap it in something semi-permeable to decrease the drying rate.

some time back a bloke explained his chef(?)/owner decided to dry age some beef for 42 days (as I recall; it was for a long long time) in the walk in reefer…without high humidity. it turned out completely inedible. the concept of “too much of a good thing” applies.

…90 day aged beef… bit like thousand year old eggs. it was several years back that some NYC high end joint got well clipped for false advertising / whatever -

Check out MF Dulock in Somerville. They’ve dried aged beef in the past.

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I do a lot of dry aging in a full size spare fridge. In my experience: 10 days will help remove the irony/serum flavor sub primals get from sitting in their blood in the factory cryovac bag but no real change in texture or addition of funky flavor. 21 days completely removes the bag flavor & gives a more velvety tongue feel. 28 days “starts” getting into the beginning stages of funkiness and 35-45 days seems to be where the funky flavor really sets in. I am not a fan of blue cheese so I don’t go beyond 28 days.

Kenji @ Serious eats has a good article on dry aging that is worth reading.

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