DRIED BEANS/LEGUMES (or canned) - Your favorite recipes / applications?

I recently picked up some frozen beans… this looks good!

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Lima or baby lima beans in the freezer section - WF has them, TJ used to (or does occasionally?) I’ve also seen them at Key and Westside.

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I see a recipe you linked, but it doesn’t register as a salad to me. Can you link it again, or help me find it? Is it the chickpea sunflower sandwich?

Hmm, the Chickpea sunflower seed sandwich is definitely an all time favorite, i do love it ontop of salad or scooped up with raw veggies. If you don’t smoosh the chickpeas it would be a great salad thing as is.

Looks like i didn’t add the link to Espinacas con garbanzos which isn’t a salad yet is delicious and easy- i often use a lot more frozen spinach and skip the addition of the bread all together so it’s just not as thick. That one is best warm on crusty bread though.

Balela salad is a really good one is you want a cold chickpea salad, that looks close to what I’ve done before, tons of variations out there- basically israeli salad meets chickpeas.

Hope all is well with you :))


Making a variation of this, which I found in the pig trotter thread.


Bookmarking this because I suddenly have a lot of dried pigeon peas.


Assume you mean the brown ones?

I’m more familiar with dried white peas - we mostly eat them as Ragda, which is delicious.

I also grew them in my farm experiment last year (from kitchen stock, after my fancy snow pea seeds didn’t survive several times)!


Yes; they are brown. Actually, beige, but they are darker when cooked.

This one doesn’t seem to have a paywall.

It includes a link for this;

And this!

That one says " It should be like ragda (stew) consistency. "


Oh yeah - in indian terms this is the bean form of tuvar/arhar dal.

Funny - we eat many varieties of beans in our house, but not this one! Even though we eat the dal version and the fresh green version of the same thing.


White beans au vin = a fabulous winter dish. Beans stand in for beef in this rich stew. Dinner party fare for a rainy ednesday night.


Thanks for the link!

Not worth all the survey questions and pop-up ads that one has to deal with.

Actually, this recipe IS. But since you asked so politely, read it here:


Thanks so much @pilgrim!

I think I know these as Toor Dal as well.
And Gungo Peas(of the famous Rice and Peas) in the Caribbean


Very belatedly, my uncle’s french lentil salad for @shrinkrap:

Cook the (brown / black) lentils your favorite way, but retain a bite — add a bay leaf and aromatics during cooking.

Drain and add dressing while still warm. Rest for a bit (or a day) so the dressing gets absorbed.

Mix in some fresh parsley before serving.

Lemon juice, olive oil, grated or minced garlic, cumin powder, s&p, optional minced shallot, red chilli powder.

Grain additions to bulk it up:Quinoa, bulgur, couscous
— Either increase the dressing and seasonings accordingly, because the grain will sop it up
— Or season the grains while cooking and keep separate till you are ready to serve (so the lentils soak up the dressing, not the grains), and toss together at the last minute