Don't put your knives in the dishwasher!

Wow very pretty. I’d never loan that out again.
[edit - except perhaps to someone I knew would take due care.]

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I told this story before. I know someone likes to put her wood cutting boards in her dishwasher. So the wood cutting boards break down in 3-6 months. She asked of there is any way not to have them break down, and I said either clean the wood boards by hands or use plastic cutting boards. She did not like either solution, so she accepted that she will simply replace wood cutting every 3 months

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(post deleted by author)

I bet the manufacturer can set a gentle condition for knives, but then it will defeat the purpose of cleaning everything in one go

There are many choices on my grimy dishwasher, most of which I haven’t tried.

Nice. The light/China option may work for gentle cleaning

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but WHY would you put a knife in a dishwasher? I tend to wash most of my knives right after use and stick them in the drainer. Ones that sit around can soak for 2 minutes and be ready to wipe clean. Its just real easy.


Based on the people who used to answer from Chowhound, they do not want to hand wash anything. So if they can put everything else in a dishwasher, but they have to wash knives with hands, then this breaks their patterns and take time from them. I don’t know. I am not one of them, so I can only paraphrase what they said.
I have a feeling that Hungry Onion has a different demographic, so I am not sure if we will get many people able to explain this.

I think some of us are thinking of the people we live and dine with.

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well, we ought to be able to explain it to them then, right? :rofl:


That’s a very idealistic view of the world :joy:

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I’m sure a lot of people are lazy like this. Some may not know any better, some may.

It would be interesting to see if there’s carryover into other areas, e.g., clothing. Are the same people machine-washing their fine woolens? Or cleaning their eyewear with coarse paper towels? Or washing cars with a pressure washer?

Whose time is so precious that they can’t wash a knife?


If you wipe them down as you’re using them, what’s the big deal to wash afterwards? Eh, it’s their loss … and expense.

Of course. I can even see not drying completely, if the blade is SS and the block/tray has airspace to dry.

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To be fair, in my home, my “rules” amount to a lot more than “wash a knife”, and I am sure it is frustrating.

In addition to differentiating a dinner knife from a more cherished knife, what else doesn’t go in the dishwasher, how to best arrange the dishwasher, when to run the dishwasher, I also have water saving, food waste and recycling rules, and that’s just what immediately comes to mind in the kitchen. :face_with_peeking_eye:

Fortunately most of my rules are backed up by the law in California.


I have also found my olive wood spoons soaking.