Does Your Dog Really Belong in This Restaurant?

My own deux centimes: we see a lot of dogs in restaurants here in Germany, though mostly outdoors.

As long as they are well-behaved (no running around, barking endlessly bc they are clearly unhappy, leaving any, um, traces if ya catch my drift), they don’t bother me at all. Kinda like kids at restaurants :joy: :wink:

A most recent encounter was with an adorable wiener dog who seemed to have his own little sleeping bag to crawl into at a very popular coffee & cake place in our hood.


I’ve no problem with assistance dogs. And I’ve little issue with dogs at a restaurant’s outside space (although I’m not keen on them there). Other than that - leave them at home or in the car.

We went to a restaurant in 2022 which we did not know was going to be dog friendly. It was a small room and we found that most tables had a dog with them. One with two dogs. It might have been tolerable except they kept up pretty much constant barking. A potentially nice evening spoilt - partly by the barking dogs but, also, by their inconsiderate owners for bringing the mutts with them. Not a restaurant we’d be likely to return to which is a shame as the food was pretty decent.


Ideally, no barking dogs & no screaming children.


Service animals and their people need to be the priority when it comes to these situations. I say this as a person who adores dogs.

I have noticed that the dogs I see in restaurants in Europe seem very well socialized. I have a hunch that folks in Europe generally leave the dog at home if the pup can’t be chill at a restaurant. I say generally because I have yet to experience a restaurant meal “serenaded” by barking dogs as @Harters has.

My experience here in the U.S. has been, um, not that. When it’s allowed, some people will bring their reactive, lunging dog(s) into an outdoor food-and-drink space such as a brewery. And sometimes they’ll pop down right next to us when we have our own dog with us! Then we either have to move or leave. Our pup will stay chill but the reactive dog won’t be able to calm down in the presence of other canine(s).

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I don’t mind well behaved dogs either on patios and outdoor places, especially as the new owner of a 9.5 pounder who loves to quietly sit in my lap. In fact, my book club is meeting tonight at an outdoor beer garden that is generally teeming with canines and small rug rats. I’ve never noticed issues - most dogs around here who go out in public are pretty well socialized.

However, it is too bad that the establishment whose sign is pictured in the article above admits that the statement about the expensive fine is a lie. Kinda diminishes credibility…

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I’m not sure if one is worse than the other. I do know I am an increasingly grumpy old man.

Just gotta say, it’s hard to fathom (for an elder mind like mine) a fluent German speaker referring to a Dachshund as a “wiener dog.” Don’t know why that made me chuckle; but thanks anyway. :slight_smile:

They do resemble wieners, though.

Dackel, Teckel, Dachshund (THANKS for spelling that one right, btw. too many folks that side of the pond seem to have a real hard time with it) - 's all good.

My first dog was a very large, long-haired Dachshund named Dagobert.


As a huge animal lover, I think so much of this crosses the line. There are valid reasons for keeping dogs out of indoor restaurants unless absolutely required (i.e., a service dog). Restaurants with an outdoor seating area should be able to accommodate a well-behaved dog. No barking, short-leash and reasonably sized for the space available.

In addition to hygiene, there are allergies to consider. While not deathly allergic, I am apparently allergic to some breeds of dogs. Nothing more deflating than to have my sinuses suddenly block up - and therefore dulling my tastes so that I can’t taste my meal. This doesn’t happen much, but I’m quite certain I am a mild case for dog allergies. Others may not be so lucky. There is also actual safety. Trip hazards when staff are rushing and carrying fragile dishes and glasses around. Unleashed (yep, that’s intentional) children pose that same hazard for accidents.

This has been pushed because of not just the obvious abuse of the emotional support animal rules, but this general expectation from some entitled pet owners that anything but yes is abuse. If you truly need to your pet with you (or your pet has anxiety issues), look for appropriate venues, get training, or help. If the parent with the 2 year old realizes that this will limit their ability to do certain activities for a few years, many accept that. Why is that not what pet owners are willing to do? I love traveling, and I had to choose a different date for a trip I’d like to take in a few weeks because my family who cat sit aren’t available. Thems the breaks for me! I signed up for that when I adopted him.


We had a whole series of dachshunds named Dackel when I was growing up…most of them were pretty cool dogs

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My small dogs and I will be lunching at Lupa this weekend! We’ve dined at about 30 different places in NYC - mostly lunch/brunch in outdoors seating but on three different occasions we were allowed indoors in a space away from other diners. (If interested, I can share the names of pet friendly places. )

When we are out east in the Hamptons or North Fork of Long Island they are always welcomed outdoors - I can think of three that have allowed them indoors. Same with Martha’s Vineyard - exclusively outdoor dining there though. There are some really great spots on island that let them wander around their large patio / outdoors spaces. On the other hand, a few ask that the dogs be leashed just outside the outdoor seating. We don’t go there.

It’s a whole routine we have: special blanket we bring, water in their travel bowl and a high-value treat. Then they just hang out on their blanket while we dine.

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I’ve had small dogs on long leashes wrap their leashes around my ankles several times at outdoor farmers markets. I have no idea why the dogs felt compelled to imprison me in their leashes, and even less idea why their clueless humans just stood there watching it happen.

I’m 68 and have had 3 joint replacements. I’m small and don’t weigh much. That kind of forceful action even by a very small dog could easily bring me down and into surgery and long, expensive, painful rehab.

The last time this happened, I got quite angry at the human (male, about my age) who watched his dog encircle me and said nothing to either me or the dog. I told him I needed to put my hand on his shoulder to keep my balance without falling as I attempted to escape from his dog’s assault on me (and it was an assault).

He said he was sorry. I suggested he keep his dog on a shorter leash and also pointed out that I could have easily killed or seriously injured his small dog if I had fallen on the dog. He said he understood.

I saw him 5 minutes later elsewhere in the outdoor market, and the dog was still on a very long leash.

I once almost stepped on a very small dog that a young woman had brought on a leash into a Trader Joes store. She, too, just stood there as her dog was moving around on a long leash. I don’t look down when I am in a store and I easily could have stepped on her dog.


Oof, among the many things we learned in dog training is a leash that does not allow you to keep your pet under control is a bad idea. So no retractable or long leashes for us.


I’m sorry you were assaulted. I like to think I keep a good eye on my dogs while around others.

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the long leashes are irresponsible in areas where there are many pedestrians and also against the rules/illegal in many places with leash laws. Almost like no leash at all.


I find it hilarious when eating outdoors, a dog in a moving vehicle nearby is barking away and all the dining dogs join in. This is why they’re outdoors. Same with the siren wails and all the dogs join in. We get that with the coyotes, here. Pack behavior. If I don’t want to hear someone’s dog, I’ll go inside whdre there isn’t a dog.

My new home town has a very well attended “Wiener Dog Race” every summer. I tried to attend but realized i was too late. Every parking spot for blocks and blocks were taken.
I should have gone regardless.
Parents of dogs and children both have to be considerate of their fellow diners.
Most are, but when things go wrong they get rather irritating, fast.


I’d tailgate for that race. Damn. Good times!

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I can’t find last years link but this one is from 2022.

This photo is a bit better.

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They had those in WF awhile back. Bill M started them I think. Hilarious!

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