Do you try to look like a local when you travel?

@Lectroid and @shrinkrap, my comment was tongue in cheek. I have no idea where these people running around my small southern Oregon coast town are from. One time I saw a lady in a strapless dress. I’m always amazed as I’m usually in my London Fog raincoat, boots, scarf and gloves. (I don’t do fleece or Gor-Tex)


Some folks are natural heaters and seem to disregard any temperature above freezing as “a perfectly nice day”

My personal band of acceptable temperatures is somewhere around 50-80deg F. Much outside of that, I’ll want to stay indoors.


Maybe not so much. The surfer scene between the
Westside and the Eastside was a rivalry. Born and raised in Santa Cruz
No i don’t . Where i live now . I You are not born there you are not a local . I like telling people Im a transplant. I could care less about dressing like a local . I know im not. Lol .

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I dress fashionably, so I def don’t look like a local in my ‘hometown’ (where I’ve been living for 20+ years now) - in a sea of athleisure, leggings, pajama pants & sneakers anyone more elegant will stand out. I’m good with that.

Berlin chic is hard to explain - lots of 80s “vintage” i.e. mom jeans & fugly shirts dominate, and I’m too old to follow trends. I’m good with that.


Does this mean I can break out my cotton sport coats with the pushed up sleeves, skinny leather ties, and low, soft boots wrapped in random straps and buckles?

Alas, I no longer have the hairline that will allow me to flop it over half my face.


That would be too fashionable. Berlin’s been overrun by Williamsburg hipsters who seem to make it a sport to dress as unflatteringly as possible :rofl:


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How about Water Tower Place, is it still clinging to life? I haven’t been there in maybe 15 years…

Water Tower Place

I probably haven’t been there in longer than you have. As a 'burb kid, if I was spending time in the city, it wasn’t going to be at a high end mall. There was weird live action role playing, Rocky Horror, Facets Multimedia, Second City, and the Art Institute

According to google it’s still open.


Well I googled but I’m still not sure what a fugly shirt is?

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f’ing ugly…(which is subjective…)


Fabsolutely :wink:


Thanks. I figured that was probably what it was.

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Apparently I don’t have to try! I have been asked for directions in cities where I have never lived or even been before, including Paris, Charleston SC, and NYC. I seem to just blend in. So I have that going for me, which is nice.


Try to look like a local? Not in the least.

Sure, I’ve been confused for a local in a number of places, but I’ve also been accused of being a non-local in many places. Can’t say that always ended well. Nevertheless, if somewhere has food that intrigues me, I’m going to try to visit.

I can get around in a few languages, however, so that makes the culinary tourism angle easier to grasp.