Disliking "likes"

Interesting. Well, my semester’s over - I’ve got some time to rabbit hole!

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For the most part I have a memory like an elephant. Just ask my husband. There was definitely a down button but she never complained.

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Of course, but there’s more depth to this site than “a pleasant chat or a few”, and I think asking, as I have, for people to say why they like or dislike, not just pressing a button helps this endeavor.

That’s an argument for site-moderation, not for avoiding debate.

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The site moderators here are volunteer participants

So, no


Color me baffled.

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Here’s an archived page from CH, with the option to “heart” posts. It’s from 2013 - do you think the option to “unheart” was added later?

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This came after the hearts. I was banned from CH around October 2014. So it was before then. I can’t for the life of me remember what the division was called, but keep digging if you want to. Maybe it will come to me in the middle of the night.

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Mission: Accepted! Dunno if I can find anything - the Wayback Machine is hard for me to navigate. But your date range is helpful.

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Decided to edit out my post because it is just silly to be caring at all about who likes, liking but I ditto bbq’s remarks.


Broadly, I agree with you, as long as what you’re saying is that it’s simply “pleasurable to acknowledge agreement”. Who am I to deny you pleasure?

My main beef/tofu is that
(a) “liking” has become a substitute for thinking – in many cases, there’s more to be said than just the oohs and aahs of pleasure yelps, and I argue that we should use our words; and
(b) that “liking” has become this mutual-adoration X-Y game that I’ve alluded to above.

Nobody need agree with me. Those of you who disagree have said so above. I hear you.


Your beef is obviously with the Boston board. Why not keep it there.

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What about my original post was so hard to understand?

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Sorry I edited so fast that people will not understand what you actually responded to. I’d like your post but that would just feel too passive aggressive :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :love_you_gesture:


Now, that’s both funny and worth a “like”.


I question how much better / civilized the “discourse” here will be once we have angry, laugh, and love emoji reacts.

As for the OP… I realllllly wouldn’t overthink it. It’s just a food board :wink:


Oh, so much this.


I see people here almost 24/7 and just assume that they are either not fully employed, “working” from home, or retired. Cuz there seems to be a lot of downtime here for a lot of posters :slight_smile:

Good for them.


But people are also ‘clogging up’ or extending threads with single comments like “yum” or “oh that looks so good” when a single fork & knife click likely would convey the same :woman_shrugging:

It’s a nice compliment for sure, and it gives peeps all the feelz, but does it add anything to a discussion?


This is a very good way for me to avoid doing what I’m supposed to be doing, i.e. working. Here’s a snapshot from 10/2014, which would be right around the time you stopped posting. The “like” button is there, but I still see no option to “dislike.”


Agree. My “like” is short-hand for nice, or interesting, or pretty. If additional commentary is needed, or I just feel like expounding, then I add an actual reply. A “like” isn’t something I think much about :woman_shrugging: