Recently there has been an upward trend of negative posts about other users. Negative whether its a direct assessment, or indirect assessment. We will offer up an observation for everyone, based on general feedback we receive from users.
For the participating users, they usually have very strong opinion on their assessments and their correctness. For the non-participating user base reading the comments, the back and forth negative posts about other users are tiresome.
I’ll offer a very simple suggestion for everyone who are about to post their negative assessment of other users, including sarcasm, passive aggressiveness, and the use of emojis to express these emotions, no matter how correct they believe they are.
If you have nothing positive to say about someone, then don't say anything at all.
The social fabric of a forum is dependent on basic respect of one user towards another. If you don’t agree with a food opinion, please understand that all of us are who we are based on our life experience, our upbringing, our living environment. We bring our opinion based on all of that, which will be different for every person.
Keep in mind the whole purpose of the forum is, Thoughtful discussions among avid food lovers
, which should be mostly Thoughtful food discussions among avid food lovers
. For many of us, HO is a little refuge from the daily grind where we have to deal with negativity at e.g. work. So we prefer not to see more of the same here.
So the next time you want to post your repeated assertion of your correctness, or say something bad about another, please pause to think whether its needed. Just be mindful what you post is also a reflection of yourself. A little kindness really goes a long way.
If there is an issue that needs to be addressed on the forum, please flag. Direct message, @ to call attention, are not substitutes for the flag, which has a whole workflow built into it.