Originally known as ‘ Little Saigon ‘, this smallish and quaint neighborhood Vietnamese noodle joint, located in the same open plaza as T&T, resurfaced a short while back, after an attractive internal facelift and a minor name change.
Food was pretty good then and they are pretty good now, if not even better. Offering a selection of authentic and not overly fancy Vietnamese fare. The effort of the kitchen seem to focus on executing simple dishes well, in a loving and accurate manner, resulting in end products that taste great and shine.
The ever popular Vietnamese crispy honey and garlic butter fried chicken wings were such splendid examples. Perfect example of ‘ finger-licking-good ‘! Definitely amongst the best rendition in town.
Pho, be they the regular version in clear beef broth or an elevated option using a more exotic Satay broth base, the end products were equally superb and delectable. Here, ‘Dear Saigon’s delicate, meaty creation has a less pronounced star-anise component, the overall taste profile exuding a sweeter and herbal undertone. The generous rice noodles are cooked nicely al dente and the rare beef presented pink, fatty and not too lean. Just the way they should be.
Overall, our meal was a pleasant and enjoyable surprise….worthy of a return visit.