Daily Shout about cast iron


Can’t say I agree with some of that information

Not as funny as it thinks it is. I’ve read much funnier discussions of this here and on CH.

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Humorless is more accurate.
Is this millennial humor?


Thanks … I thought that was cute

I got a kick out of this:

Cute :slight_smile:

I posted the link yesterday in FM&N. https://www.hungryonion.org/t/daily-shout-about-cast-iron/6529/4; I’ve flagged this thread so they can be merged.

I must be more of a crusty curmudgeon than I realized.
Carry on.

It is kind of funny.

It made me laugh. Cast iron people can be so persnickety.

And it’s only non-stick if you use at least an inch of oil to cook your food, I don’t care what anyone says about their great-grandma’s heirloom skillet.