Cultural Fusion examples around me my whole life

If the gimmick brings in the customers and they’re happy then it’s terrific. I prefer to eat, not to solve a puzzle.

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We like 5 Guys but I agree that the medium fry was a ridiculous amt. Always made me sad since fries are more my jam then the actual burger :yum: The 5 Guys in Portland shut down due to COVID. There is still one in South Portland.

Getting back on topic-- anyone notice that Asian dumplings are suddenly (OK, slow “suddenly” like last 4-5 years but more so since COVID began) on pub menus across the land?


I don’t get out much the past 3 years but agree with your observation on dumplings (and spicy green beans) showing up more frequently in lots of places. I generally don’t order jiaozi out and haven’t made them at home in a while.

Irn Bru tastes more like cream soda.

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Sushito - sushi burrito - was a thing for a while. I can’t unsee the 4 letters in the middle, so I have never tried one.

For a hot minute, Subway had a Bravocado sandwich, which was supposed to remind you there was avocado in it. But I kept reading it as sandwich that somehow involved a bra.


Well, instead of stacking two patties, I like the big single. Easier to manage. This is not my photo, though. Stole it from images. When I eat mine, the top stays on top, and bottom on bottom. This person is obviously deranged. I fear for this woman’s life. :slight_smile:

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The largest Mennonite community outside of Europe is in Mexico.
If anyone is ever in Ciudad Cuauhtemoc, Chihuahua, check out the La Sierra pizza chain. That queso mennonita is gooood stuff.

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Many Mexican Mennonites have moved to Canada. Some make good corn tortillas up here . Many work at the tobacco farms and asparagus farms in southwestern Ontario, and some have become rage farmers.

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Okay, I give. What are rage farmers?

Those who stir stuff up online to make people rage and the post/topic go viral, usually a political tactic.


This sounds a lot like an area in PA we used to haunt, Kutztown with it excellent Mexican restaurant and Amish weekend market, and Perkiomenville with its hundred(s) year old Monday market and auction, and whose snack bar served up some of the best chili I’ve ever tasted.

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