Covid Etiquette

One of our Grand daughters is playing 8U softball this summer. We’re shocked that the baseball / softball association decided to go ahead with the season, because SE Michigan is still a hot spot for CoronaVirus exposure and infections. But we’re out there at the fields for each of her games. As many of you can relate, 8U softball will attract large crowds of family. Games we’ve attended have had crowds approaching 100 adults (sometimes more) and half as many children.

DW and me are always masked up. The rest of the crowd, not so much. The observations I’ve made at the games we’ve attended is that families sitting together seem to think that they have immunity; because… well, they’re family. Beside us, the most mask-wearers I’ve seen at these games is three others! Team coaches all have masks–90% of them slung around their necks, not covering mouths & noses.

And then there’s the playgrounds at the fields…


I know – which is why I call myself in between. I’m not completely casual, and I lean towards more vigilance, but I’m not overly cautious. I allow latitude with family members, and I"m aware of what choice and risk I’m taking because I do know their habits of cleaning and their compliance with masks and other taking the right precautions. I do agree with the others that this is not quite the same as the stranger you might run into at the parking lot. You can’t get the risk down to 0% unless you are locking yourself indoors until a vaccine happens and refusing to touch anything that anyone else has ever laid hands on. I’m lucky not to have to be in that boat, and so far so good.


91-y-o mom needs to hear her daughters/grandkids/great grand kids. Now we all talk a a lot

Am I so old that my great-nephews are now high school seniors? And my nieces and nephews are their parents? So be it–we still talk.


This reminds me of my mom who will every once in a blue moon send a quick line of text to me, and then she calls me to ask if I saw that and read it. :rofl: :rofl: