Corner Bakery filed bankruptcy

My wife went back to work at South Coast Plaza (SoCal) the other day, after two weeks away and found that the Corner Bakery cafe she’d often go to for lunch had closed. A bit of Googling reveals that the company filed chapter 11 bankruptcy in February and began closing locations. Often a chapter 11 winds up with a rescue buyout but I haven’t found anything suggesting that is happening

Anyone hear anything about th Is? With rents being sky high in South Coast it wasn’t that surprising that they couldn’t maintain their moderate price model there, but it is disappointing.

Ouch. I have only been to Corner Bakery a few times. This is unfortunate.

Went to Corner Bakery. The foods are ok. Not great, but definitely good enough. It brought back some memories from years ago. I hope they can reorganize and make a come back.

Where did you find one still open?

I thought just because they filed bankruptcy, it doesn’t mind they are shut down. I went to one at a mall in San Diego.

Apparently they didn’t close all locations. My guess is the South Coast Plaza location rent was just too high to sustain. Either it wasn’t profitable or they just needed to cut expenses to attract a white knight buyer.