Cooking for pets


That is a Fine Art film IMO.

I thought jun was a pro chef, but no! He is just a passionate home cook. Do Japanese people all cook like that? I also watched his udon film and another video showing how to clean up a rusty knife, just amazing!

My cat is on a prescription food. The food through the vet was $20+ more than through Chewy. I sing their praises to anyone who will listen!


I’m afraid you are asking for more bouts of pancreatitis, what with all the fatty components of their diet. My vet objected to my 60# dog getting a hard-cooked egg twice a week as too much fat on top of commercial kibble.

thanks, I will look into it
Right now, someone from chewy recommended Farmina, a small Italian family business.

the eggs are rare
I would say once every week, sometimes not at all for more than 2 weeks.
It always depend on my mood , ( when I want eggs for breakfast- that would be 2 eggs for the three of us) their mood also when I forget to defrost their raw meat the night before ( I defrost their meat that I package the night before, nuke it in microwave for one minute under power 1 for room temperature)
So far, so good. Liver very rare, once a month to eat with their heartgard!

I knew a guy who only fed his cat veg.

The cat was very…Zen. (Joking aside, he had horrible low energy. I felt so sorry for the poor kitty. They need their meat!)

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It’s weird, with so much information out there, how people just don’t get it.

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The butcher counter of a neighborhood supermarket used to sell 1# blocks of frozen “pet food”, ground up parts of meat they couldn’t sell, assorted miscellaneous innards, etc. I never shopped at that store except to buy this pet food for our dog. The butcher used to look over the counter at me and our rosy cheeked toddler, sure in his heart that I was feeding it to the kid.