Cooking classes

Know of anything interesting coming up, and is there anything you’d recommend?

Here’s one. A year an a half ago I took a Shanghainese cooking class at Cavallo Point. The class was at an introductory level but I still had lots of fun. Importantly, the recipes replicated at home and lent themselves to a successful dinner party. There’s another Chinese one coming up from the same instructor:

The Asian Melting Pot: Hot, Spicy & Numbing Chinese Foods Friday, October 23rd, 6:30 – 9:30 pm

Treat your tastebuds to an adventure in this class hosted by chef Linda Tay Esposito.
Bang Bang “Strange Flavor” Chicken
Silken Tofu with Century Egg
Chinese Mustard and Red Oil
Grilled Cumin Lamb Kebabs with Uighur Flatbread
Thousand Chillies Fried Chicken
Smoky Eggplant with Sichuan Relish

$85 / person + tax

Have you taken the Thai cooking classes from Kasma Loha-Unchit? She is retiring in a few years and it’s the best Thai food I’ve had in or outside of Thailand. The classes aren’t for everyone though, she is very dogmatic in her approach. You have to start with the basic dishes that you typically find in most Thai restaurants but after you graduate from the beginner classes the world opens up into dishes that you never see in the US. I went on her Thailand tour and it was a month of eating constantly and diversely, the food and the markets were a lot of fun. Plus, I wanted to know how many roti I could eat in one sitting.

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I took an Asian dumplings class by Andrea Nguyen a couple of years ago at the SF Cooking School. Very comfortable space and a lot of different classes.

i attended a miso workshop at 18 reasons in SF back in august.
since then i’ve been checking their events calendar from time to time to see if there’s anything else i’d like to sign up for. the miso workshop was by aedan fermented foods, run by a woman named mariko who has been crafting and selling japanese fermented products locally. it was fun. i have to wait until february to see how my miso turns out.

I took a knife skills class at the SF Cooking School, and it corrected a lot of bad habits. With chefs knives, we chopped carrots, celery, onions, potatoes, zucchini, cabbage, and leeks— we took the bounty home, and it made a ton of minestrone. The instructor also showed how to make a “cutting board pesto” by dragging/compressing garlic and salt with the edge of the blade and chopping the other ingredients.

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