Cooking Challenge - try ONE new recipe from your (many?) cookbooks!

Whatever anyone wants.

I was initially thinking of actual physical cookbooks in our homes, but if one has a subscription that others don’t have, or a Kindle version, that works.


Not sure where you live but here in California you can get sorrel at WholeFoods and other supermarkets but also on farmers markets and produce shops pretty much around the year.

Sorry, I intended for my comment to mean opened-ended for time, and keeping this thread alive because I want to use it in the future, too, while still hoping for soon in time for me. I have to cook something, after all! And my intention is to use a recipe I’ve never cooked before from one of my many cookbooks.


I live is SF, never have seen sorrel at any WF, once years ago saw some at Stonestown farmers market.

If you have Indian or Eastern European / Russian markets near you they also carry sorrel, fresh and frozen. At Indian markets (especially with a South Indian clientele) it’s called Gongura.


Not sure how often you get to Berkeley but Berkeley Bowl West normally has sorrel.
If you are sometimes on the peninsula I gave bought it at the WF in RWC, Sigonas and Draeger

The Boston-area Armenian markets I get to don’t always have sorrel but often they do have large bags of fresh tarragon at an extremely reasonable price. I buy when I see!

You can get everything in Berkeley! Used to love Monterrey Market. I just can’t face the reckless drivers, Bay Bridge traffic, I don’t need sorrel that badly.

I live in the Sunset, takes me 45 minutes just to enter Bay Bridge.

I can ask at Gus on Noriega if they can find some for me. I like their fresh herbs.

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I wanna play! So crazy how hesitant I am to commit. I have started a search with Eat Your Books, and will try to start with ingredients I have. I am usually game to try something in “Six Seasons”.


Love this idea, Linda! I’ll play.


I’ve bought sorrel at the original Oregon Street Berkeley Bowl.

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I’ve never seen it in NC either.

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I’m very in, although it might take a couple weeks to get started. Family has been away, and when they get home they want a bunch of favorites. But heck yay I love this challenge.


Have you decided when this challenge kicks off?

I’ve just updated the original post to include it being open-ended on TYPES of cookbooks (physical, online, subscription) and the time frame.


I was initially hesitant as well to create the thread, but then I looked at all the cookbooks I do not use and realized I was being an eejit. My cooking, however, will have to wait (mostly) for weekends. I’ve already got reminders on my calendar to remind me to look for recipes using Scallops (because tomorrow is Haircut Day!) and zucchini (since I have 3 from my CSA). I’m thinking my seafood cookbook (I think an old boss gave it to me years ago!) and Deborah Madison’s Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone are going to get some perusing tonight after dinner.


And that’s why I edited the OP to note that exact same thing - families on vacay right now; more cooking likely to start as we get into the school year and fall and winter.


It started as soon as I posted the original post. :slight_smile: For me, it has to wait until the weekend until I can find time to line up some recipes I want to try.


Okay, I lost track while the outline on this was discussed. Thxs.

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I have a terrific tartar sauce recipe I got from, I think, Fish Without a Doubt. I don’t want to eat Panko Shrimp from Costco without it.