" COLIMACON, Paris 75004 ".........REALLY??!!

Just thought I had seen it all, I came across this dish (???) on the menu of this Parisian ‘modern’ French Bistro - COLIMACON :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

" GOAT MANURE breaded with peanuts
With its salad of baby spinach, red and white cabbage and olive oil vinaigrette. "
€ 13.00 "

Charles, you’re looking at the “English” menu. The salad in question calls for a “crottin de chèvre”, which is a type of chèvre, or goat cheese, named for its shape.


LOL! Nice example of ’ Lost-in-translation’!!

I think most restaurants in France just run their French menus through Google translation and never even look at them. Lots of misleading stuff on English menus.

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After the goat’s droppings/ crottin de chèvre, maybe some nun’s farts/ pets de nonne for dessert.

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Very lost. And surprising because the clientele of Colimiçon is predominately tourist.