Christmas in Atlantic City NJ

In my younger days since I don’t observe Christmas I would take a day trip to Atlantic City and every casino & restaurant would be set up to accommodate a heavy influx of Asian clientele. From special entertainment & games of chance to amazing food not normally offered other days of the year. Is anyone aware that this still happens? In the current climate of political correctness I can’t find out if restaurants are offering anything other than traditional Christmas meals. Not interested in the normal Jewish family going out for Chinese food routine. Merry Christmas a few days early to you all.


I am Chinese and I don’t know what’s it like at AC nowadays during Christmas time. I do know that my in-laws are definitely going down there for a day or two during Christmas :grinning:.

I do remember in my younger days, there will be Hong Kong popstars playing concerts in the casinos during Christmas and i have attended a few of those.


Thanks yes I remember those pop groups and even though I had no idea of the lyrics they were just great at getting the audience up & dancing :wine_glass:

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