Chief Taco Officer - a flourishing career option (Texas)

I knew about Texas Monthly’s taco columnist:

I’ve never paid much attention to him but would if I were going on a road trip.

I did not know the Chron had established a similar position to cover Houston:

I will have to start looking at that regularly.

Now, HEB is getting into the act:


I thought this place is very old, must not be if it rose due to the relatively recent birria craze. I finally had a birria taco a month or so ago at Hugo Ortega’s new URBE street food eatery located (ironically) in uptown. I wasn’t a fan of the dish or concept, not surprisingly since I’m not wowed by Hugo’s either. I guess I prefer fajitas and yellow cheese of Tex-Mex to the meatcentric Mex-Mex.

There’s been a thread on birria places on my NextDoor feed of late. I haven’t tried any of them but I have one picked out. It’s very trendy.

I was very much into Trudis Birria de Chivo on Bissonnett @ Beechnut until it lost it’s space due to the new Aldi several years ago. The read deal. Chivo = goat. Nose to tail cookery. I know I posted about it but that may have been on CH. Ralat (TM columnist) has an article on birria and Trudis in the link above but I’m out of freebies for the month so I haven’t read them.

I prefer Mex-Mex to Tex-Mex but prefer the Madre y Padre places or taco trucks to the haute Mexican.

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It would be helpful if they explained what favor is, I’ve never heard of it.

It’s HEB’s owned delivery service. I guess I’m giving them a plug by posting these - I’ll stop.

It’s ok with me, I’ll never stop HEBing! I assumed it was a publication of some kind, now I’m really confused!ás-the-time-mama-ninfa-and-i-visited-the-pope-in-mexico/ar-AA11S7Fb?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=24d645ec48af4097b1a2907fb03626fa#image=AA11S7F7|1

Good read + Food porn.

Ever live close to a good restaurant? Where the smell of the kitchen is constant? I lived close to Ari’s Grenouille on Westheimer for a couple of years. Garlic, that’s what I remember. The whole neighborhood smelled of garlic :smile:


Another interesting take from Torres. It’s not what I expected from the column but I like hearing about new variations.ás-mexican-arab-food-is-on-the-rise-in-houston/ar-AA13rYia?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=bd7ea011b5174736a0461c0d78c192aa#image=AA13s0pM|1

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