Cape Town recs ?

Hoping to spend 10 days in/around Cape Town in December.
Couldn’t see an active thread here so all/any recs welcome - from breakfast to dinner / high end to rustic.
We haven’t planned our itinerary fully as yet - so open to recommendations of ‘must eat’ places where you can also stay - and in the winelands area places where the food is as important ( if not better than ) the wine as only one of us drinks.
Thanks in advance!

It’s some years since we were in Cape Town and a number of places where we ate have now closed . But these three are still around

Karibou - “Modern South African”, I suppose. On the V & A waterfront. Expect something along the lines of “antelope of the day” in various forms.

Bukhara - popular Indian. A change from “antelope of the day”.

Bo Kaap Kombuis - possibly the best known of the Cape Malay places.

Wow, John
You sound distinctly unimpressed with the SA offerings…and here was me thinking I was heading to an oceanside food paradise ! ?

We were on an escorted tour for most of that trip and eating in hotels. It was not cutting edge food.