Cancelling "exotic"

It’s only about eight minutes of the segment (with most of it being in the first six minutes) if that helps

It’s not necessarily about what assumptions you bring (especially if you are part of a white, mâle, cis-het majority) but what others say, and why it bothers them. I’ll never understand this doubling down and refusal to listen or appreciate how others (especially those excluded from power) experience and navigate the world, simply because it does not it does not accord with one’s own).


those excluded from power? She’s a writer for one of the nation’s premier media outlets. Me, I’m excluded from power. Many of my friends are immigrants or children of immigrants. I’ve never heard any of them say that that term offends them. I just think that the holier than thou crowd goes overboard looking for things to offend them. At some point, people’s eyes glaze over and they ignore legitimate grievances.


I could not agree more, and had the same reaction to the phrase “well, it’s not exotic to me.” I would say in the past 5+ yrs I’ve had a bit of an awakening where new ideas were presented that I had never encountered before. And they made a hell of a lot of sense. No one can say about another person’s experience whether it was true, or accurate, or authentic. It isn’t your experience to opine on or judge.

When people feel like they are being marginalized or othered by certain words and behaviors, and that categorization of them and their ways makes it easier for people in the power or majority to make their lives harder, then it is not for us to say - you’re making a big deal out of nothing.

The best thing I heard in the last few years is a tweak of the golden rule, as follows, and it is brilliant: Treat others how THEY would want to be treated.


I’m not sure this is exotic but street tacos in Durango, Mexico circa 1980. My two friends and myself were starving and we ordered tacos without knowing what they were even though I spoke enough Spanish to find out.

We later joked it was dog but they sure tasted good.

They were washed down with cervezas drinking in a small bar with a mariachi band none of whom spoke a lick of English but my Spanish was good enough to communicate. :dog2: :mexico: