Can The Prairie Generation Save Rural America?


Great article . Thank you for this.

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Tiny town in Kansas (on its last leg from what I could see) on the way to Dodge City last year. I got a speeding ticket for going 40 in a 30. Never saw the 30 mph sign but we knew enough not to argue with a small town KS police officer. $150 for ticket and $100 extra to keep it off my record. $250. Ticket writing is probably one of their main sources of revenue.

And speaking of slaughterhouses. I don’t know how many people here have ever smelled one but we drove by some out in West Texas and the stench was almost unbearable. I can’t imagine what it’s like to work at one. Although a crime novel I read said that a persons sense of smell deadens after 4 minutes. Not sure if that’s true or not. I know homicide detectives use Vicks. Hope I’m not grossing anyone out here but the article did bring up the subject of KS slaughterhouses several times.

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Very true!

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Kamal Bell launched Sankofa Farms on 12 acres of rock-hard Alamance County red clay in 2016 as a place where kids could grow.

Bell was a middle school earth and environmental sciences teacher then in the Durham Public Schools, where one of his goals was to help African American boys develop life skills that eventually could help them support themselves and their communities.

“There was too much noise in the classroom,” Bell said, from the chatter of disinterested classmates but also from the distractions of sports, status symbols and social pressures. Some of his students didn’t learn well in that setting.

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