Burlington, MA - new market

Facebook has a hiring ad for MOM’s Organic Market, opening early 2023. It’s at 34 Cambridge Street, which is the plaza where Roche Bros. used to be. I’m unfamiliar with this organic chain, but pleased that customers will have to bring their own bags and containers.


So now when I head down to Reading/Burlington, I’ll have 3 supermarkets to go to: Wegmans, Trader Joe’s and MOM’s. :grin:

I do wonder which storefront they’ll be taking over, though. Didn’t Target take over the Roche Bros. site? And a Total Wine and More took up the other anchor spot at the top of the plaza, right alongside Cambridge Street.


Looks kind of interesting. here is the flyer
And the website:



If this is the same Mom’s market I went to once when visiting Philadelphia, I am excited! Looking forward to checking it out. I remember a great produce section, bulk items, and a terrific little spot to order food like stir fries, bowls, etc. Thanks for the heads up, greygarious!


We have one in Westchester - it’s nice! Good alternative to Whole Foods.


How do MOM prices compare with WF?

It’s been a while since I have visited either store, so hard to say given how rapidly things are changing these days. Judging from my last trip, though, I’d put them somewhat less expensive than WF on most things but still a bit more expensive than regular grocery stores in my area.


Oddly, WF prices are more competitive now in some respects, with prices for, say, milk, some types of fish at the Fresh Pond WF lower than the prices for comparable items at the nearby Star Market on Mt. Auburn.

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Yes - WF organic milk is 3.79/half gallon which is the most competitive price in my area.

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I’ve noticed that too, and I assume it’s due to the acquisition by the Big A. If you have Prime, you also get the extra 10% discount. I don’t live where there is a WF near me, so in a pinch, I had to use Amazon to do a home delivery for an item that was out at my local supermarket. I had to hit a minimum amount for free delivery; even with home delivery, most of the items were reasonably priced.

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Yes, the variety has gone down, as has the availability of goods (many empty shelves by Sunday evening), but so have prices. This really deserves its own discussion, but there are interesting variations in how they treat meat (just to choose an example). All their chicken is now prepackaged, so if you want a single thigh you are out of luck. But the beef is laid out in the butcher area and is offered to order and is generally quite good.

The prepackaging has some advantages. If you want bony chicken scraps for stock, it was hit-or-miss in the old glory days of the full butcher counter. Now they have a steady supply in the self-serve freezer. Similarly, marrow bones (beef), although the frozen packages seemed randomly priced, from $4/lb to $12.

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MOM in Burlington MA will have its grand opening Feb 10-12.


Looks like it’s not where Roche Bros was, but the furniture store next door.

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Thanks. I haven’t driven in 6 years, and it’s been a long time since Uber took me past that strip mall.

Here’s a post from a member of the Life After Russo’s FB page:

“I took a drive up to the new store, Mom’s Organic Market in Burlington. I chose to go at about 8 PM because their Grand Opening was today and I heard the lines were incredibly long earlier in the day. There were not a lot of people shopping at 8p (thankfully, for me). As their name states, everything is organic. I found a lot of their vegetables to be cheaper than what I would buy at Whole Foods. A large bunch of kale was $1.99 and Lacinato kale was $2.49. Whole Foods can be anywhere from $2.99 to $3.99 a bunch. I didn’t look at all produce/products. The quality of their produce looked very good though it’s a smaller selection in comparison to Whole Foods and other larger supermarkets. Some of the other non-produce items were comparable to or less than at Whole Foods. I saw items that you could refill with your own containers. They have their philosophy and environmental commitments posted at the check out. I would shop there again. It’s nice to know that there is another choice for good quality produce and other organic items in the area other than Whole Foods. I’d be interested in hearing others’ experiences when/if you go. My very best wishes for great success to Mom’s Organic Market.
If you can find one, they are offering a coupon for $20 off $50 this weekend only as part of their Grand Opening.”


I am having a quiet period of work so I finally went to MOM’s today. The extensive bulk food section got me hooked. The store is laid out nicely—wide aisles. Lots of products, which could be a bit overwhelming. Prices are high (a la Whole Foods pre-Amazon) but I’m fortunate that it is not a hardship for me and I’d rather spend my money on good food and drink than on, for example, clothing.


Forgot to mention that it was VERY quiet on a Tuesday afternoon. The cashier assured me that it’s busier at other times. I avoid driving for my shopping as much as possible, but I would drive out here when I do an HMart run.