Bourdain doc: Roadrunner

It’s now streaming on HBO Max. I was wondering if anyone has watched it and what you thought of it. Of course, I’m going to watch it no matter what…Thanks!

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I have not and plan to either this evening or tomorrow evening.

I have been very hesitant since it came out, but read a few reviews lately that have led me to reconsider.

I just finished watching it. It’s sad (no surprise).

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It is very sad yet I’m glad that I watched it tonight. None of the Biographies that are made inro movies are feel good movies.
I like some of the points made at: the beginning of the movie, around the 50 minute mark and the very end.

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That’s a pretty broad claim, no? There are loads of biopics out there that exist purely for the reworking of history into something “feel good”. But this documentary biopic is likely to be sad since it will remind viewers of a loss that might still feel quite recent, and that also feels like a preventable death.

Watched it a while back. I’d had no real sense of his personal life toward the end. An emotional guy, who finally finds something that gives him real joy and then it all goes to hell. At least that how it seemed to me.

I enjoyed it, but I loved Bourdain.

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You are right, The Blind Side, Erin Brockovich and Catch Me if You Can.
Many horse movies such as Secretariat and Seabiscuit are all feel good Bio type movies.

Yes, it is a broad statement perhaps I should have said many or actor’s Biographies.
So happy that the filmakers show the good, the bad and the ugly rather than make it a feel good movie.

It is a devestating loss preventable, not necessarily. Someone can be so deep down the rabbit hole that you can move Heaven on Earth and it wouldn’t make a difference.
Sometimes it takes someone maybe who is not so close yet knows the person to make a difference.
One can say the same words but it is who delivers the message and whether that person is willing to receive that message at that particular time.
Would anyone have put AB in front of a judge to force treatment?
It is really hard to say because many close to him (I’m sure) are playing the what if I only…
That is the most horrible part is the guilt and shame that the survivors have to live with daily.

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True. I think I’m just thinking about cultures of care more broadly. Certainly not individualising the responsibility for prevention.

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I completely agree that it would be wonderful as our current system could use a complete overhaul.
Unfortunately, right now one has to be in crisis mode to get help because most people think that they are ok and managing or perhaps embarrassed to ask for help.
Sometimes when people ask for help they are overlooked because there are not enough staff to help and the worst off are helped first even though someone less sick may seek help.
It is a very challenging situation with no immediate solutions.

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