Boogy and Peel - Pizza in Dupont Circle, DC

Boogy and Peel serves hipster pizza. It made a splash when it first opened with pizzas based on fast food flavors (like a big mac pizza) or odd combos like a reuben. Now that the buzz has died down, I figured now was as good a time as any to try it. The pizzas are a bit larger than single serving.

We ordered two pizzas. First was a macha-roni with red sauce, cheese, pepperoni, salsa macha, basil, and honey. Salsa macha is a very powerful and rich condiment made of burnt peppers, peanut, sesame seeds and garlic crushed into a paste. A liitle goes a long way, and they used more than a little:

Next up was the Sweet Baby Christos with red sauce, eggplant, garlic confit, pickled cherry peppers, herbs, feta, and honey. Because… why not?

Both pizzas were very intensely flavored. I liked them both, but I would not come back for one pizza. I would tire of the flavor before I could finish it. It was good to be able to bounce back and forth.

We were the only guys in this small space and the only people over 30. All the tables filled up gradually with young women. Clearly when they saw us eating there, they were drawn in… at least that’s the interpretation I am sticking with.


Not familiar with salsa macha but it sounds fabulous (and intense, as you implied).

The crust looks fantastic. Was it?

The center did not hold up to the toppings, but the rest of it was very good.

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Steve, I’m sure you’re right. I know what a burden it s to live with that