Best websites and cookbooks for Argentinian food?

I just watched a Fung Bros video about Argentinian restaurants in NYC, and now I’m drooling! What websites and cookbooks would you recommend to get me started on my journey? Everything looked so good! Thanks.

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I think the national dish of Argentine is grilled beef.

So…I always thought it was about grilling on a Santa Maria style grill when it came to Argentinian food along with a tomato salsa that shares the same name of a salsa from Peru or something

But…isn’t their food just grilled meat? I used to watch youtube videos and grill books by Malman (sounds like that? spelling wrong?)

they are all mediocre so I can’t recommend since it’s just…grilled meat

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I was making a point - that grilled beef was the national dish of the country and that was the focus. I’m okay with someone telling me I’m wrong but you don’t have to be so mean and insult me like that. It’s like you are calling me dumb and that I don’t know anything.

You don’t have to be so mean man. Not everyone is smart like you.

Francis Mallman is a pretty big name in Argentinian cooking. Here is an article to get you started, with a link to information on his cookbook:


Looks delicious - thanks!


I am curious though, the recommendation that you applaud is Argentinian grilled foods and it’s by Mallmann (the man I referenced earlier).

How is that…different from my post? Like…I shoudn’t be posting about things I know nothing about?

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A reminder to all to please keep the discussion civil.


Francis Mallmann. A lot more than grilled meats.
Eat Your Books lists 383 recipes from Mallmann; only 82 of them involve meat of any kind.

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What were the dishes that had you drooling? I ate well in Argentina, but it was a lot of meat and cheese and pastry (medialunas with a cortado or alfajadores, when not empanadas).

The link is an article with 3 grilling recipes. Two of them are fruit. One of them is chicken with a side of grilled mushrooms. Grilling and Argentinian food are not all only about meat.


ok - I see your point and Australia has a lot of other things.

But - yeah man - it’s pretty rude when someone tells you to your face that you don’t know anything and that you don’t have a right to post or comment.


As one of the moderators stepped in to remind all of us, keeping the discussion civil is important.

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Here’s the link to the video. I hope I’m not stepping on @zippo1’s toes since they often post Fung Bros videos. :grinning:


Lots of Italian influences, too.

I think of Argentinian alfajores, empanadas, chimichurri, Yerba Mate and choripan (sausage in bun)

No idea for cookbooks or blogs.

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Thanks. I am aware I could have googled the video, and it’s nice to gave the video here, but I was kind of hoping (lazily) that you’d say so I didn’t have to find the time to watch.

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I’m a librarian so I provide you with the resources. And I didn’t want to deprive you of your own drool fest! :grinning:


Everybody, feel free to discuss and disagree but please remain civil. If personal attack persists, moderators will lock the thread without further notice.

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I wish you would lock it. It makes me sad to see how my request for information about another country’s food got turned into something ugly. I realize I shouldn’t have snapped back to eugenep’s initial response. Apologies to all involved.

Francis Mallmann’s vegetarian (fruits and vegetables) grilling cookbook, Green Fire, was published in April 2022.


Do you like Mallmann’s stuff? I looked at his first two books and I didn’t really get anything from them that I could use.

I think he’s such a big star more for being cool and having style and doing this spectacle of opening fire cooking.

Many of his recipes would be using something like a cast iron pan over an open fire to fry eggs and stuff.

I like to grill and bbq a lot but didn’t find anything I could really use.

But I think Argentinian salsas are really good for grilled meats like chimichurri and that other one that spelled like crillo or something.