Anyone notice the digital "fly" crawling around the page?

It (and the altered header) are back to normal already :frowning_face:

Apparently too anxiety-inducing :expressionless:

Username does NOT check out!!

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I’m all for a good joke but this one hurt my eyes. I couldn’t read anything yesterday because of this.

I didn’t have a problem because the real roaches crawling around here kept killing them. Finally, something positive from my pets. :nauseated_face:


Day three. This is no longer amusing.

The fly disappeared well before midnight of April 1 :confused:


I guess it persisted for me because I didn’t log out. I just did, and the fly is gone.


I see that this year we went with a much less controversial celebration of the day.

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I didn’t see any celebration. Did I miss something?

Look at the logo for HO in the upper left hand corner. Or should I say the logo for FSO?

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Ah. I had to log out and back in again to see it.

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Not this year, but I noticed “Fully Satiated Onion”.


A good thing

What was the controversy over the last celebration?

It was a (very small) fly crawling along the screen. Some found it distracting. Many (raises hand) thought there was an actual bug on their screen and didn’t catch on until they couldn’t shoo the little bugger.

oh, I was aware of that one. I thought I missed one that was actually controversial :wink:


This thread made me look. Also, up above the states today it reads “no need to discuss any more”.

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I hadn’t even noticed that :slight_smile: Maybe that font needs to be larger?

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