Anybody growing aliums?

Duganski looks like a winner - I will have to check it out next year. Perhaps it will replace the Russian Red in my lineup!

I don’t. They’re leftovers from my mom, who I think just got a few plants from her friends. That’s how she gets all her seeds – she and her friends all trade seeds and seedlings for whatever they want to grow.

They’re quite hardy though. While each of my plants are small and much thinner than the kinds at the markets, they’re remarkably fragrant and more “onion”-y. They do have a small bulb, but not as large as I’ve seen with actual spring onions.

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3 posts were split to a new topic: Where do you get that fava beans seeds?

Garlic half way there; new promix in Earth boxes , Creole garlic varieties soaking in seaweed and baking powder solution, to be followed with brief dip in rubbing alcohol solution.

I know it’s controversial, but I have issues.

Also have chives and cipollinis, and will add red and yellow shallots soon.

I’m in N Cal wishful East Bay but more like Central Valley climate.

@bogman; when do you put up the remay/net proteciton against the root maggot? Is there a stage when they are more vulnerable?

I have only replanted the root end of green onions. They grow to look like small leeks

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Put out garlic last week, shallots today.

UC Master Gardener Program of Sonoma County

How to grow shallots;

Burpee how to


Jealous. Mine were under about 1-2 inches of ice as of yesterday morning, though we’re finally getting a warm spell that should melt that today.

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I’ve got two types of onion seedlings ordered…not having them shipped until mid-March. Probably can’t plant them until late April with our weather.

I wish to heck I could figure out growing chives in southern AZ. Winter, summer,it all seems to annoy chives. Does anybody have good advice for me?

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I think of chives as a winter/spring thing, and I grow them in containers, from seedlings in containers. I don’t separate them;I just put the whole clump in a pot. They “bolt/bloom” in summer here, but the flowers are edible. What is your winter/spring weather like?


The Gardening Cook

Foiled again! Every year I lose some garlic to something that starts with yellow leaf tips, followed by plants that seem to tip over, stems sometimes curve, as if one side of the stem is growing faster, and sometimes die. I’ve tried just about everything I can to. Think of, growing in carefully cleaned containers

with fresh pro-mix, and cloves from reputable dealers, and soaked as directed here.

Since fungal diseases are so common, I think it is a good idea to assume all incoming garlic to be planted has a problem of some kind even if there is no evidence of it and soak it overnight the night before planting in a solution of one gallon of water, one tablespoon each of baking soda and liquid seaweed to give it an innoculation against diseases and an energy boost as well to get the growing process off to a good start (The seaweed stimulates root growth.) Be careful not to leave the garlic soaking too long - 16-18 hours is enough and if you leave it in much longer it will already start to grow roots and I have seen 1/4 " long roots on cloves after soaking 24 hours - not good as those roots break off during planting inviting pathogen invasion. I then soak it in alcohol for a few minutes just before planting to try to kill any unseen hitchhikers, like mites, stowing away between the wrappers. One of the reasons to soal the garlic so long is to loosen the clove covers so that the alcohol can penetrate the clove covers and kill any mites lurking inside the clove covers.

I think it’s basal rot. Here’s a picture; you can see healthy roots toward the bottom,watery, flat roots at the top.

I’ve pulled out any with yellow leaf tips. One or two had a hint of what must be a white fungus. So maybe it’s two things. Dang!

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A few garlic bulbs I planted last fall have started to peep through in one patch, but I planted two rows in a new planter box that aren’t showing anything. We had a colder and snowier March, so it was recently that the snow finally all melted away and temperatures have been warmer. Do you think those bulbs could have survived?

I guess there are places that get colder than I can even imagine, but I would say it’s unlikely that co!d would be a problem. Forme, being to wet seems to be a problem. I would absolutely give them more time. How deep did you plant them? What are your night and day temps right now? Do you know what varieties you planted, or if they are hardneck or soft neck?

I just got my two bundles of onion starts yesterday. Probably be a month before I can plant them :frowning:

It’s still slightly below freezing to maybe slightly above freezing at nights (32F) and snow is a real possibility throughout April, but not typical. Snow flurries might pop up here or there. I planted Spanish rojas in both spots (same bulbs).

I do worry that I didn’t plant them deep enough in the planter, as I was low on dirt. I supplemented by scooping up some from my back yard, where my mom had planting plots set up that don’t get tons of use anymore, but I may not have added enough. The snow we just got was wet and heavy and that has been slowing melting so I do fear that maybe the planter could have been waterlogged for a bit.

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Spanish Roja is a rocambole. Seems like it should be good, but I’m not all that successful with hardnecks.

Gourmet Garlic Gardens

DH grows both hard & soft neck garlic, probably plants about 100 cloves every fall. We get enough for multiple braids which we gift to friends, as well as enough loose to last us until the next harvest. Also grow leeks, spring onions and Walla Walla onions.

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My sad update - I dug into my garlic bulbs that showed no signs of life, and sure enough, they were rotted. Too much water. :cry: I do have a few plants that are growing on the side that survived ok. I have to add more soil into my planter so that this fall, this doesn’t happen again.

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