Any words you dislike to use when talking about food ?

Authentic is extremely meaningful shorthand that eliminates about 90% or more of the options out there.

If someone is looking for authentic Sichuan food, with almost laser accuracy I can point them to exactly what they are looking for. There is no other descriptor that effective.

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Playful. I would never use it, so I guess it’s more a word I dislike when other people use it.

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Gross, disgusting, yucky.

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All your words are so disgusting . Cringe worthy .Thank you.


We haven’t heard of hordes lately beating a path to Chengdu.

Gourmet needs to be retired. From any language.

There is a professional food writer who uses very precious language to describe food, so that ravioli could be described as spinach ‘tucked into’ a coverlet of pasta, or some such terminology. So I never to get too flowery.

OTOH, ‘like crack’ has been used too much on message boards.

Perhaps I could combine the two: “like spinach tucked into a crack pipe.” Yeah, I really like the sound of that…



Nestled. $5 says I know who the food writer is. Or at least, I know an equivalently twee food writer.

Foodie, Addictive, yummy, “to die for”, “slap yo mamma”.

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What an amazing comment. I especially like “Perhaps I could combine the two: “like spinach tucked into a crack pipe.” Yeah, I really like the sound of that…” Now I want to read all of your posts because sarcasm is hard to find these days and I think it is under appreciated.

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To die for has always bothered me. For many years.


Good one. I would never add ie or even worse ies to a word. For example beetsies or scramblees or shrimpies. Shudder. Glad we agree on veggie. This is Linda S. from wfd right?

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From reading that I got an image of the cartoon and later movie/tv character in full red costume standing over the stove. Now that would make sense.

ha ha ha. Nice.

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It is painful to even type this reply. My fingers are tightening up but I must continue. Sammy is my most hated word but sammie is even worse I think. Cringe.


“Sando” rapidly gaining ground.


Someone used that word amazeballs yesterday in another group. I was surprised. Yes it is still used.


Love the bluto pic. I am more Wimpy. I do like hamburgers. Sammich.

Harters! Do you remember me from chowhound? I was givemecarbs. Yes we yanks have a lot to answer for.

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