Any *words* that you *like to use* when describing *food*?

I’m lost on yasty. How do you use it?

Much as I would with “tasty” (but with typos)


Hmmm I do use that one. A poster on another sandbox who I admire for cranking out dishes for one uses “tasty” Because I like him I probably use tasty more. For example he roasts a turkey breast and then plays with the leftovers. Love it when he makes turkey ala king and always remembers the all important dash of nutmeg. I guess imitation is a form of flattery. I try and mostly fail to write fresh. I will try to use a different word. I still strongly disagree with steve about lasagna though

Heh. I just mildly scolded cdc (constant dining companion) for using that phrase but not in regard to food. I asked him about a dress I was wearing. Without body language and tone so much is lost in the written word. Just yesterday another person on a different sandbox who I greatly admire typed something about me getting “bent out of shape”. There was no anger intended. It does seem like the internet is a big Rorschach test. I am still new here and I don’t even know if outside links are permitted or if posting this link comes off as condescending. Please let me know if it is:

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A member here mentioned her dislike of the word veggie. I think it was gourmanda but I could be wrong. Oh my gosh that word is everywhere! Since I read her comment I have been trying to use vegetable a lot more. Sort of of ftopic but the word dog is one of the best words in the english language. I don’t feel rage or grind my teeth when I see doggo but my inner dialog goes “how do you improve perfection?”

One for the “US/UK divided by culinary language” thread.

One has “veggie”, the other has “veg”.

It is very difficult to interpret how others may view your words when putting them on paper/internet because the reader attaches the emotion to it.

I remember talking about food and somehow someone took it personally that I was talking about them.

Sometimes one can try very hard to not offend before posting yet others could easily misinterpret those words.

It all comes down to what type of day that person is having or any trauma that they may be going through at that particular moment in their lives.

I have no issue with the link that you posted yet someone else very well might.
You just never know.
Glad that you’ve joined us here on HO

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Absolutely. I play on another (non-food) forum where I always try to be my usual helpful self. Yet one other contributor regularly makes offensive remarks towards me, suggesting that I am patronising the person asking for information and only contributing for my own gratification. I put it down to his own insecurity - or that he’s just a complete arsewipe.


It always surprises me how people interpret the written word.
I find myself thinking where on Earth….

Personally, I don’t find it all that difficult to read intent online, especially within the context of multiple exchanges with the same person.

Of course, some people are insincere about their actual intentions (and have taken passive aggression to a whole new level), but… well, I try to steer away from those kinda folks. Nothing to be gained.


Yay! Harters harters harters! I joined HO because people on the wfd spinoff told me you and Linda W were here! I think the last conversation we had was you asking me to complain to the chowhound mods after they kicked out a well-liked member for having too many “discussions” with one of the mods. She went on to form wfd and you were greatly missed. I was told you could not stand FB. Smart man. I really need to stop gushing. I was the dreaded and feared givemecarbs. I never did get booted from chowhound but I got a few “talking tos”. I tend to be a night owl so we would chat in the wee hours sometimes. You would talk about your garden at Harters Hall and how you were a rebel and generally included your breakfast plans which often included baked beans on toast. #breathesintoapaperbag

People do tend to project. It has been said that when people see their own faults and weaknesses in others they tend to lash out. Agree about the written word. My personality type generally hates giving advice. Most people love giving advice for some reason. Advice is tricky enough in person but I think online is full of pitfalls. I do give advice sometimes. I want to help of course but if I find myself typing my mantra is “help is the sunny side of control” to force myself to have care especially with my wording so I do not come off as condescending.

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This means so much to me Olunia. That is very wise. I first heard it from a Friar , well he was playing one on a huge online game. He told our group that you can never tell what is going on on the other side of that screen. “someone took it personally that I was talking about them.” I was kinda aware of this trend but Jim Leff writes so well in his Slog about this and claims it is narcissism. My friend Conan is a narcissist and we are somehow able to talk to each other about this. Always in person. We both think it’s about playing the victim, grabbing attention. I do not want to push my luck with outside links but I am tempted. Let’s just say the song “You’re So Vain” is playing in my head right now. Conan and I sing it often.

Me too, it is not difficult to follow. However, I have been known to misinterpret because I read something too quickly and either missed a word or the punctuation which completely changes the meaning of the post.

Often I’m still surprised with some of those who take it to an egagerated level.
I walk away wondering if we are reading the same post and what type of day they had.

I agree with your comment yet when I see that my mind goes to that is Life Lesson Number 364 what do I need to take away from that?
I think that people lash out because they are somehow stuck on Life Lesson Number 364 and don’t know how to move on to number 365.

I have learned that I am unusual in that I like reading commentary from people I dislike. I learn so much more. Everyone enjoys being validated of course but there was a lady back in the day who seemed to be my personal opposite. I learned a lot about how she thought. I never responded because it wasn’t a very interactive format but I do miss her. I have never blocked anyone but I do sometimes scroll on by. I seek out other points of view because I find them refreshing. I already mostly know what I think. Well mostly.

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There is some truth to your statement. Some people think that their way is the only way and “there’s more than one way to skin a cat”.
I always try to answer the OP’s question (out of respect) because they may not always be forthcoming as to why they want to know.
Also it took them time to post and I want to encourage that behaviour.
On another forum, posters would often push their views on the OP and try to convince the OP otherwise without answering their question.
And at the end of the day, it is the OP’s decision to make.
My view is that we are here to present information to help guide the OP and not make the decision for them.
But that’s just the way I think/ feel and not everyone will agree with me.

I agree that one can learn a great deal from others whether one likes them or not.

If a person makes a good point I’ll :heart: their post whether I like their behaviour or not.

Often with the back and forth, I’ve been known to even change my mind about a given topic or subject.

On another forum there was talk about confrontation encouraging discussion.
Well perhaps but that kind of discussion, I tend to shy away from because it shows a lack of respect in my eyes.

You sound unusually open minded. Going to ebay soon to see if there are any tablespoons of open mindedness for sale. Not for me of course since I am obviously perfect. Well I grew up in a dive bar and had live and let live drilled into me at a very young age. The private Quaker school I attended really really stressed the Golden Rule. I am very lucky and grateful. But most of all I am still stone drunk on the internet itself. We all have our own personal jukebox for one thing, I am in awe of the internet and feel like I have been waiting for it all my life. Some of the shrill pms I have received not so much. I got a particularly deranged one about a year ago but I would not dream of blocking her. She shares deeply on another sandbox and that makes it easy to walk a mile in her shoes. There was a lovely dieting group that I have since been removed from where this lady shared personal struggles and born of this pain, incredible and brave advice. I really can’t type too much but the short version is that if you have been enjoying an abundance of alcohol and want to stop whatever you do do not quit cold turkey as it is very dangerous. I know a few people who have been drinking way too much lately and that woman’s postcards from the edge might save someone’s life.

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It seems arrogant to presume to know what is best for anyone. I am a big fan of the Myers-Briggs type indicator and her incredible book Gifts Differing. She claims that certain personality types can be compulsive advice givers and if people take that advice the results are often destructive. My lidl group is on fb and it is fun and very responsive, people do not feel ignored there for sure. Members do not often fully read the post and are fast to judge. Often these members never stick their necks out and risk an OP. This site has a lot of members and few mods but one very nice feature. The OP can close the threads to comments. To spare the mods I often go there and remind OPs they have that option. Giving advice is not always a bad thing. On chowhound I used to call this behavior dogpiling. I think it’s rude to not at least answer the question the OP posed.

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