Any food or drinks you rarely share with others?

Smoked or pickled fish (other than lox). Herring salad. Trout roe toast. Sweetbreads, hearts and brains.

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I don’t mind giving a taste of a cocktail, a sample of my meal, a bite of my desert. But I just can’t share my milk. Not because I am selfish with milk… It just skeeves me when someone puts their lips on my milk, for some reason.

I take it you don’t have a baby… :laughing:


God No! Why would I do that!? :space_invader:

< that’s a space invader, btw… Heh.

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Sardines, Smoked fish and pickled Herring.

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And Mallomars. Nobody touches my Mallomars.

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I make Indian pudding every year at Thanksgiving, and yet no one else really cares for it, so I eat it all myself. If they want a different dessert, I tell them to bring what they want.

Steamed crab (or really any crab) – if you want some, you tell me beforehand and I buy your portion too. Otherwise, you don’t get any crab.

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Coffee. Everyone I live with hates it.

Smoked fish of any kind. Sardines. Kippers.