Ants in the kitchen

We only discovered Terro Baits this year. Strong magic. Ants gone in half a day and no returns.

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I checked. It is with Borax. Maybe I’ll mixed my own mixture, since I don’t seem to see ant bails with borax on sale here…

Certainly worth a try. Husband has, over time, tried several kinds of “home-did” borax combos, but your take may be the key. Do keep us advised. I.e., do bump up after your next ant combat.

I never had success with homemade…

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So bad this year … every one of the homeowners on my street had to use an exterminator, the little F _ _ _ _ _ s even invaded my neighbors mailbox … I’d used a couple of hot shot ant baits over the last several months but finally conceded, the daily deluges have created an environment in which the ants thrive :nauseated_face:

Have anybody tried baking powder vs ants? Does it work?

They try to enter by the door from outside. I sprinkled around the door steps to create a seal. I read that it isn’t harmful to cats… Let’s hope.

I tried vinegar, you can kill them when spray on them, but doesn’t seem to deter them from entering.

The bail is partially working, I saw some dead bodies, along with some eggs under a big flower pot, but there are some living.

Looks like tomorrow, I will free myself to go to the garden center to get something more serious. Duh!

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