Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown- Bay area visit

Looks like Bourdain is coming to the Bay Area. Episode is airing 10/25.

Any idea who’s the local that he is working with to get the trip prepped? Any words on where he has visited?

I liked the fact that last time he visited To Hyang, a good mom-and-pop restaurant. Sadly To Hyang is no longer around…

Table Hopper mentioned some of rumored venues. The anal retentive AB interviewing Bobby Seale of the Black Panthers at Miss Ollie’s in Oakland could b awkward enough to be entertaining.

And Sinbad’s, WTF?

R&G? boring! he should have gone to Yum’s!


It is funny how some of the old favorites are re-visted over and over again. I’m happy about Miss Ollie’s and some others, but you’d think he’d find something different than R&G.

At least he got out of San Francisco. Oakland should be his part of town.

Too bad he didn’t review drinking on the ferry. That would have been a good segment.

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