Amazon Go: Store of the future?

Great read and photos:

If you read nothing else this week, read this: Shopping at an Amazon Go Store in the NY Times. The technology inside Amazon’s new convenience store, opening January 22, 2018 in downtown Seattle, enables a shopping experience like no other — including no checkout lines:

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Sounds amazing, but no shopping carts? What if you buy more than you can carry in one or two bags?

Nope, not for me! I really enjoy chatting it up with store employees when I do my daily, weekly shopping. The loss of jobs would be tremendous if this was to become the wave of the future I wouldn’t mind using the app if I was in a rush. Just the word algorithm makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up!

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I misunderstood. This is not a supermarket, it’s a convenience store. No carts needed. Never mind!

That would be great for subway stations and airports.

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Not for me, I’ll keep my wonderful local grocery store.

Is this the same shop? You have to use an app. I don’t like it when I have to use an app for something but if I don’t have to interact with someone then guess I would use the phone.

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Jeff Bezos for President or better yet King!

So the Bill Gate and Steve Job Dynasties are now slowly challenged by the Bezo family.