Aldi Products Yea/Meh/Nay 2023-2024

Yet vodka has a wide range of prices without substantive differences. They’re selling the name, not the better contents.

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Sometimes better raw ingredients and more processing, such as extra filtration. It can’t be that all folk are simply too dumb to notice they are identical. Let’s give people a little more credit.

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In Los Angeles, Aldi’s has the best turkey price in town. Honeysuckle White, 59 cents a pound, no minimum grocery purchase to get that price. Is it the best turkey in town? Probably not. But when you thaw it, do a dry brine and then roast it with wine and butter? Pretty darn good!

Plus they had Ocean Spray cranberries fresh, for 99 cents a 12 oz bag! I got four as I know I will be baking at least two Laurie Colwin Nantucket cranberry pies in the next two weeks, and then I can freeze the rest of the berries. (Dang. Now I am thinking I should have gotten more for the freezer!)


I need the equivalent of 7 12-ounce bags each year for cranberry relish (Thanksgiving, New Year’s Eve, Passover, summer BBQ, Rosh Hashonah, Yom Kippur break-fast, book club pot luck). I used to buy large bags at Costco, but a couple of years ago they stopped carrying them, and even the supermarkets didn’t have them.I was reduced to buying them frozen in the Eastern European market at twice the price. It’s good to see them back again.


I’d be interested in knowing what your cranberry relish recipe is. I just use the one from Ocean Spray, the one with the whole orange chopped in it. So good on bread with cream cheese :yum:

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Boil 12 ounces cranberries in a cup of water until they pop. Add a package of sugar-free Jello (raspberry or cherry), a drained 20-ounce can of crushed pineapple, a drained 12-ounce can of mandarin orange pieces, and 1/2 cup walnuts (optional if someone is allergic). Chill.


Kind of like a Tombstone, IMHO. Meh.

I love their produce and Berman’s mayo. Only Chinese garlic, though. WTF?! Their pub style pretzels, the wife loves.

NAY on yet another Aldi pizza, the Mama Cozzi’s tavern-style 3-cheese. Don’t remember right now who recommended it, but … I think we’ll stick to homemade pizza or TJ’s, which has been more reliable on that count.

The crust never got crispy (yeah, I know the pic looks great), and it had a decided cardboard quality to it. Plenty of cheese, for sure, and I added sautéed shrooms, green pepper & onion. But the crust is a definite no.


That is so weird. Have you calibrated your oven? The crust was very very crispy here. If the top is that brown you’d think the crust would be plenty done. :thinking: You do the full preheat and cook from frozen? Do you have a convection setting you could try?

I am almost too cheap to buy a jar of each to compare. But I do love a blind taste test. Maybe I will recruit my hubs to help.

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A pizza stone heated at 400 for about an hour, which usually suffices (I mean, 800 would be ideal :heart_eyes:) and has produced more favorable = crispier crusts. It came out soft & even trying to crisp it up in a pan didn’t help. Maybe I bought a lemon :smile:

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If anyone stops by Aldi’s soon, would you please share what holiday chocolates / cookies / treats they’re offering?

I’m hoping for some boozy chocolates, but really don’t want to get the giant Costco box (now that TJ’s isn’t stocking the perfectly sized brandy beans anymore).

Thanks in anticipation!

They have the usual German selection of gingerbread cookies, big tins with cookie assortments, chocolate mint stars, dark & milk chocolate peanut clusters, biscoff cookies, some special pralines … I didn’t see any boozy chocolates, but I was also not specifically looking for them.

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Thank you!

Behold, Aldi jumping on the trend of eggplant on pizza! I’ve not tried it, since our experiences with Aldi pizza have been more miss than hit, but perhaps someone else has?

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Nay on the Masquerade Mango white Stilton cheese with mango and ginger. Way way too sweet. Crumbly; I was hoping for reasonably sliceable.


I honestly just can’t with their fruit-in-cheese cheeses. Love mango, love stilton, but thazza big fat no for me.

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Aldi pizza. Take… ten?

Friends of ours were shopping at Aldi yesterday, and folks were walking out with ginormous pizze (from the premade section near the produce), telling our friends that they MUST grab one.

Now, I’ve heard some decent stuff about some of their pizze, but up until now any we tried were subpar.

Are those fresh ones worth the hype? Or are folks just stoked about a truck wheel sized π for $6.50?

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Yeah, I should have known better, but I’ve been on a dried sliced mango bender (thanks to my sister introducing me to her favorite from Ocean State Job Lot), so it was a total impulse buy.

Bad, bad BAD impulse! No no no!

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Dunno about happiness :roll_eyes:, but I’ve been looking forward to this one… well, minus the strawberry gelee and raspberry ganache ones bc :nauseated_face:


The cheese advent calendar should be fun as well :slight_smile

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