2nd Annual New Jersey Board Awards (2020!)

Welcome to the second annual Golden Onion Awards (aka the “Greggy”) for the New Jersey board here on the Hungry Onion. Below are the categories and instructions.


Poster with the Best Food Pictures
Poster with the Best Personal Culinary Creations**
Poster with the Best Restaurant Reviews
Poster with the Funniest Stories
Kindest Poster
Most Useful Poster
Best Thread

**Personal culinary creations include dishes made by yourself, your spouse or significant other, or friends you are dining with at home (yours or theirs). Restaurant meals/takeout not included.

There will be a two-step process in deciding the winners.

  1. Public Nominations. For each award, I am going to ask members to submit up to three candidates in the thread below by Tuesday, February 4th at 4 PM .
  2. The nominations will be then tallied and then a survey for private voting will be established by @CurlzNJ (hopefully again???). The top three candidates for each award will be on the final ballot. This will be posted/announced in a separate thread sometime after the 4th.

Responses in this thread should be ONLY your nominations . Please no explanations, side talk, or conversations as I need this to be easy for us to read through and count everyone.

Remember, these categories concern the NEW JERSEY board only.

You cannot nominate yourself for personal awards, however you can for Best Thread as sometimes we have no control over how a conversation will explode or take route.

2019 Winners

Best Food Pictures: @paryzer

Best Culinary Creations: @paryzer

Funniest Poster: @notjrvedivici

Kindest Poster: @CurlzNJ

Most Useful Poster: TIE! @joonjoon and @goodparmesan

Best Restaurant Reviews: @gcaggiano

Best Thread: "Russell and Bette’s Rumson”



thank you


Happy to help, ESP on Feb. 4th, which should be a national holiday… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Oh wait that was last years winners? Dammit, I thought you posted this years. (come up with something funny Notjr…gotta defend your title)

Q.) How do you keep a group of lovable dopes in suspense?

A.) Oh wait…sorry something at work came up I’ll get back to the answer later…


My nominees:

Best Food Pictures: @paryzer

Best Culinary Creations: @paryzer

Funniest Poster: @notjrvedivici

Kindest Poster: @CurlzNJ

Most Useful Poster: @NotJrvedivici
Best Restaurant Reviews: @gcaggiano

Best Thread: Zhang’s Grille


My nominees:
Best Food Pictures: @gcaggiano

Best Culinary Creations: @gcaggiano , @seal

Funniest Poster: @notjrvedivici

Kindest Poster: @CurlzNJ , @Rooster @gracieggg

Most Useful Poster: @gcaggiano
Best Restaurant Reviews: @gcaggiano

Best Thread: Zhang’s Grille


Just to be nominated is an honor!

I really hope the prize involves trophies of Greg cast in gold holding a tray of ribs. Maybe above his head? Perhaps on his back? I’m flexible.

My nominees for a Greggy:
Best Food Pictures: @paryzer

Best Culinary Creations: Mrs. P via @paryzer

Funniest Poster: @notjrvedivici; @BossaNova

Kindest Poster: @CurlzNJ , @MsBean

Most Useful Poster: @seal; @corvette_johnny; @Rooster

Best Restaurant Reviews: @gcaggiano

Best Thread: Can I vote for the Russell and Bette thread again? :rofl: If not, I found the Pride of the Sea thread amusing.


My nominees:
Best Food Pictures: @paryzer

Best Culinary Creations: @seal *

Funniest Poster: @BossaNova @corvette_johnny

Kindest Poster: @CurlzNJ , @gracieggg @MsBean

Most Useful Poster: @everyone (it’s hard to pick because everyone brings something different and useful)

Best Restaurant Reviews: @gcaggiano

  • Honorable mention to @paryzer (Mrs.) for best culinary creations. Since she isn’t a member (I think that needs to change…)

I’m just gonna enjoy the read again this year folks.
NJ board is a lively helpful bunch; that’s my vote.


Greggie Nominations

Best Food Pictures - @paryzer,@ @gcaggiano

Culinary Creations -@paryzer, @gcaggiano,@seal

Funniest Stories - @NotJrvedivici, @corvette_johnny, @joonjoon

Kindest Poster - @MsBean , @CurlzNJ, ,@seal

Most Useful Poster - @gcaggiano, @joonjoon, @corvette_johnny

Best Restaurant Reviews - @seal, @gracieggg, @ CurlzNJ

Best Thread - Whats Cooking?NJ



Pictures @gcaggiano, @paryzer
Creations @KAOSKitchen, @seal
Funniest @NotJrvedivici
Kindest @MsBean, @CurlzNJ, @gracieggg
Useful @gcaggiano, @joonjoon, @corvette_johnny
Reviews @paryzer, @gcaggiano

While there is no applicable category, we should all acknowledge our moderators (@NotJrvedivici and @seal) for all of their hard work , constant viligence and pretending to like us putting up with us.


Pictures @gcaggiano, @paryzer, @corvette_johnny
Creations @paryzer (really vote for Mrs. P), @tomt, @kaoskitchen
Funniest @NotJrvedivici, @corvette_johnny
Kindest @MsBean, @CurlzNJ, @gracieggg
Useful @gcaggiano, @corvette_johnny
Reviews @paryzer, @gcaggiano, @NotJrvedivici, @corvette_johnny
Best Thread- Zhang (for obvious reasons) and Mr Shrimp (provided a great new spot for Christmas fish- stuff like that is what makes this board so great in first place)

Also adding possible new category - poster we most miss- I’d vote for VikingJak and GoodParmesean


My nominations:

Best Food Pictures: @paryzer

Best Culinary Creations: @paryzer @corvette_johnny

Funniest Poster: @NotJrvedivici

Kindest Poster: @CurlzNJ @gracieggg @Rooster

Most Useful Poster: @seal @Metsfan86 @BossaNova

Best Restaurant Reviews: @paryzer @NotJrvedivici @ed_cetron

Best Thread: “Zhang’s Grille Has Bitten the Dust” & “Big Ol’ NJ Steak Thread”


My nominations:

Best Food Pictures: @paryzer

Best Culinary Creations: @gcaggiano @seal

Funniest Poster: @BossaNova @joonjoon

Kindest Poster: @CurlzNJ @gracieggg

Most Useful Poster: @NotJrvedivici

Best Restaurant Reviews: @gcaggiano

Best Thread: A new kind of HO’Down and the follow up thread Soul Kitchen Red Bank NJ For bringing us HO’s together for food and a worthwhile cause.


Poster with the Best Food Pictures @paryzer @gcaggiano
Poster with the Best Personal Culinary Creations It really is MRS. @paryzer but Justin @gcaggiano also needs an account at this point!
Poster with the Best Restaurant Reviews @gracieggg @NotJrvedivici @corvette_johnny
Poster with the Funniest Stories @NotJrvedivici hands down
Kindest Poster @MsBean @gracieggg
Most Useful Poster @seal @gcaggiano @joonjoon (seriously–all 3 always have great info to share!)
Best Thread Nettie’s, for the owners responses


Can we do a best spouse/partner/significant other award? Feel like we’re there already.

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We will add that to the slate of proposed changes during the executive review board’s annual meeting in Cabo. We’ll keep you posted!


I thought you held those in Aruba and was planning on crashing to meet all the celebs. Now I need to cancel a vacation


Don’t think I haven’t been stalking this thread for days now and ready to pounce at any moment! :scream_cat:

I don’t know where to start. First off, thanks for everyone’s contributions. I’ve learned a lot here, had some amazing laughs, and I’ve made some good friends.

I want to also thank everyone for your support and votes. One day I hope to hoist a Greggy!

My background for any new folks…

When you’re as dumb and ugly as I am you evolve into someone that’s absolutely hilarious and talks to himself because it’s cheaper than therapy. To prove my case, have you ever seen a smoking hot chick that’s hilarious? evolution my friends. When you’re a goblin like me you have to ooze charisma to pull any tail. :sunglasses:

As for voting, I don’t know. I have to think about it over 2 bags of pork rinds.

And I’ve got a bone to pick with our beloved moderator Mr @NotJrvedivici. insert italian accent How am I funny?



STAY TUNED FOR WHEN @CurlzNJ posts the voting link!