2023 Food Garden!

Something ate a lot of our grapes last year. Not as violent a scenario as @Sasha posted about last year, but each day we could see more and more had gone missing, until almost nothing was left. These are behind a fence. We’re thinking it was bats. We were all set to bag the grapes this year, but it’s looking like a thin grape year for us.


:anguished: I thought they were good guys! I will definitely plan (hah hah! ) to put organza bags on the grapes.


Agreed. In the US, fruit eating bats are pretty uncommon. A few migrate and feed on nectar and there’s a fruit eater, I think, in the Keys. In the PNW, rodents, raccoons, and since foolish introductions out west, opossums are all likely fruit thieves. Chipmunks love fruit. All of these mammals have no problem climbing a fence. Raccoons may rip fruit bags off vines, if they know fruit is inside. We have to tie trashcans shut with strong cordage in this area, or the “trash pandas” will get into them and scatter trash everywhere. Raccoons are the #1 fruit thieves here.


These are so beautiful!

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Todays pick. Imperator carrots and Alcosa cabbage.

The Alcosa is becomming my cabbage of choice. Fairly consistant, and the 6" savoy heads keep well.


Up in Jungleland.

Sungold doing its thing.


It is amazing to me that you can grow indeterminate tomatoes on your balcony! I think it’s a balcony.

It is indeed a balcony, and this year I am very lucky because my next door neighbor started composting. Does she have any use for compost? She does not. But guess who does. It’s been a learning curve of what works and what doesn’t, tomato-wise. Sungolds are the only ones I can count on year after year, but Black Krims and Bloody Butchers often do well, too. I stubbornly keep trying to grow peppers, which are mocking me this year by dropping their flowers and breaking my heart.


I’m watching an episode of Gardeners’ World 2023 and there’s a part about a lady’s garden on her balcony oon the upper west side.

Diagonally across town from me! It’s probably more spacious than mine.

She said it was 15×4, but she also uses the roof.

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Oh, about the same size! Looks like she just grows flowers, though. That’s H’s thing. I don’t see the point in growing something I can’t eat. :smile:


Some peppers are getting pretty big (bottom right)


And more tomatoes!


Our garden is absolute crap this year thanks to cool temps, too much rain and too damn much smoke. Thanks, Canada :wink:


It was at least 105 here today. Car thermometer was reading up to 109. We have had an amazingly cool spring but it looks like we are back to business as usual.

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My tomatoes are over a month behind schedule. They’re in containers, with cages, and are all maybe 4’ tall now… The weather just recently turned warm here in SoCal and the only place I have for them doesn’t get direct sun, so the one with the most sun light has about a dozen still green. The next closest to sun has maybe 3, and the one that gets the least sun has none. Lots of flowers on all three but even vibrating with my electric toothbrush (thanks Google) hasn’t really helped.

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Here’s what I hope is a link to our county Master Gardeners summer newsletter.

Master Gardeners of Solano County Seeds for Thought Summer 2023

My contribution was “Nine Things You Can Do to Keep Your Summer Tomato Garden Healthier”. It was actually 10-oops!


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How pretty! Are those fava beans? How will you use them?

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