2022 Veggie gardens!

I’d be happy to mail you a bottle when the next batch is ready. Each batch is around 2 1/2 gallons; so, enough to share. If you like very hot, like Scotch Bonnet hot, I can bottle some straight Jamaican Goat w/ Grenada Hot. They all come with dripper-style caps, so you don’t accidentally pour an inedible quantity.

Part of the process is getting used to the tedium of coring, deseeding and the fumes. The Jamaican Goat is especially good at filling the air with irritating vapors. Washing off the utensils and cutting board is worse; the capsaicin aerosolizes, making tear gas! I hold my breath when washing those.

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Your generosity never ceases to amaze me!

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Today’s pickings



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No kidding, he’s a treasure

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The people I grew up with and current friends, family are all the same. One lady I mailed seeds to just sent me some fresh Super Red Pimentos! Since there were so many, they were handled in a delicious manner:

There were two skillets full, and a little left for salads. Since my garden needs to “rest” from Capsicum annuum (most peppers), due to soil disease, the peppers were very very welcome! Super Red is one of the best sweet peppers ever developed. It’s very hard to find seed. I think the last seeds I bought came from Croatia.

We’re all lucky that it’s possible to mail, ship items so easily! Our postal carrier is a great lady, and that’s not taken for granted.


My first horn worm and she has parasitic wasp cocoons on her back. I don’t like horn worms but I still feel bad for her.

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I don’t like them either, but F** wasps. I don’t suppose there is anything that will get rid of the cocoons, but is there a more humane way to put him out of the hornworm’s eventual misery?

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Yikes. Nature!


I could kill the hornworm but the articles I read said to let nature run its course.
The wasps might be pollinators.

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“It’s not nice to fool with mother nature!”


According to a site I found online, they are less likely to be pollinators but they do keep bad bugs in check. Now emotionally torn…


Thank you for this link!


Cherry tomatoes are in full swing. The ones in the box were picked a few days ago, and have been ripening indoors. The ones in the colander were just picked.


I picked 23 pounds of tomatoes today and they will ripen over the next few days. Have 8 pounds already ripe. All Brandywine and Black Krim. Please send help!
Made a broiled tomato and Serrano salsa a few days ago and froze much of it. Have made tomato soup and sauce. Have eaten 1000 toasted tomato sandwiches. Lots of salads too.
Next week I will make a roasted beet and tomato relish preserve.


Enjoy the fruits of all your hard work!


Wow! I have only 3 tomato plants and have given some tomatoes to our son. Can’t even imagine what we’d do with that much. Great work!!


I made the pickled Asian pears, but haven’t tried them yet.


The best help for me are tomato mills. Squeezo, Victorio and, if you have crates full, an Italian Fabio Leonardi are good mill choices to make fast work of creating tomato juice/puree, without seeds or stems. It’s fairly easy to can the end products (sauce or puree). Also, if cooked down, around 11 quarts of juice/puree cooks down to 3 quarts of reduction. This can be frozen, too.