15 foods you should never eat

I have a special plastic bowl for the microwave. No oil required. Toss some corn in, press the “Popcorn” button on the microwave and you’re done.

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I have that plastic bowl too. It works great.

I do the paper bag method with no oil.

One thing I can appreciate is the sugar free candies etc. Since going on low/no carb, sugar(s) etc. I originally tried some sugar free products as an alternative, including breath mints. Well let me tell you, I have a low threshold for those artificial sweetened and sugar alcohols. I will not disgust you with the details of what that does to your (my) system.

I’ve cut them all out of my diet, fresh breath is a pet peeve of mine, outside of brushing I’ve started keeping ginger in my office and eat some during the day as I feel my breath is getting stale. Seems to work fairly well.

I just make my popcorn on the stove top. Takes 5 min. start to finish and tastes much, much better than microwaved. I add a knob of butter once the popping really gets going.

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Awesome! Instant ramen must be OK!


Parsley is good for freshening your breath, too.

Yes, the original reason parsley was used as a garnish was as a post meal breath freshener!! I’m well aware of the parsley benefits, however I think I would be looked at as a bit of a nut (not that I’m not already) If I started keeping bunches of fresh parsley in the company fridge. lol I find the small bottle of ginger to be more convenient. Thanks for the tip though!!

For my popcorn, skip the butter, bacon grease and loads of cayenne.

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Actually, you could use mukhwas (the mixture you find in Indian restaurant to freshen your breath after a meal),

actually what we need is:

“15 Lists You Should Not Bother With”
“1500 Food Bloggers You Should Ignore”

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I don’t disagree. Perhaps you might want to start that discussion.

I am done apologising for posting something that I admitted that I posted just to bring up our post count and hopefully our Google. I still think it is an interesting topic of conversation regardless of my original intention.

Take Care, HO.


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Is this the bowl of seed like stuff sitting by the register? I’ve noticed this in a few Indian restaurants when I use to still eat that food, never knew what it was.

I’ve said this a few times, best popcorn;

Bacon grease
Truffle oil

You can thank me later!

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why the feeling you need to apologize?

Yes, that’s mukhwas. You take a small amount (there’s usuallly a small spoon there) and chew it to freshen your breath. Warning: It usually contains fennel and/or anise, so if you don’t like those flavors, you might want to skip it.

I can stand with you, notjr – I’m hypersensitive to sugar alcohols, too. Nasty stuff, that.

Sadly, even though I was truly enjoying my adventures in Indian dining, I put together significant stomach issues after eating Indian food. I couldn’t determine a common tie in what I was eating, but there is a spice, perhaps curry, that just did NOT agree with me. So I won’t be having an occasion to try the mukhwas again. Thank you though for the tip!

Uggghhhhh I honestly don’t know how stuff like that get’s approved, I mean I don’t know what the % of people who have reaction(s) similar to ours, but it’s obvious that sh*t can’t be good for anyone.