What's for Dinner #37 - the School's Back! Sept '18 Edition

It looks cold and gloomy outside. It’s actually humid and warm but I’ve been keeping the house cooler than usual so it will take longer to get uncomfortable if the power goes out.

Turkey vegetable soup is simmering. Used a quart of home canned chicken broth and some frozen chopped dark turkey meat from the freezer. Onion, celery and a little carrot added. Will add zucchini. mushrooms and perhaps tomato in a while. Aroma filling the house!

Wind and rain force have calmed down. Rain has been coming for over 48 hours at this point. The ground is littered with foliage and branches. The sound of chain saws has been the background noise each time the rain lightens up. My area sure dodged the bullet. Flooding next week is going to be bad as the swollen rivers slowly make their way to the coast.


I have never used h one we have
I am afraid of fire, donut light match, do not ride in. lawn mower ( no matter what!)
Purchased mine from Amazon or EBAY
However, we bought the butane from a Korean store HMART Very reasonable compared to butane purchase earlier from Amazon. I believe it came 12 or 24 to a pack. My son bought several packs.
Will have to decide what brand to buy next if at all.
I will look for champion brand

Did some outside work which was less than enjoyable due to the intelligence of the clientele. But on the way home, picked up 3/4 lb of fresh Fla grouper.

Paired it with the only things I could find that made sense. A bag of fresh cut corn in the freezer, a partial onion and 5 brussel sprouts.

Fine diced the onion and cooked with the corn and shredded the sprouts. Used orange juice from the navel orange I’ve been harvesting peel for another Old Fashioneds. Glad I could render more peel for another barrel aged old fashioned and the juice went to a good cause, dinner

Don’t you just love it when it all works out

The grouper was just cooked through and the corn relish if you can call it that made a nice side dish. The Old Fashioneds were enjoyed before and after dinner. It was a win, win ,win


More fatoosh! The good tomatoes are getting more expensive and harder to find, so I’m making this as often as i can. Tonight i added some chickpeas to the tomatoes, red onion, capers, cilantro, cucumber, bell pepper, and pita chips (hidden in the bottom). Added a splash of red wine vinegar and a good bit of black pepper


Perfect. Looks great and right up my alley

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Miso-teriyaki chicken tenders made in the slow cooker over jasmine rice simmered with chicken broth. Cucumber and tomato salad on the side.


A long day visiting with Mom, dealing with some aide issues, and then hitting up 3 Home Goods on the way home to look for a small reception area table for work. Didn’t find the table, but bought a lot of stuff for myself. :smirk:

Dinner was a thick pork chop liberally dusted with Penzeys Tsardust seasoning and salt and pepper, then sauteed in butter and olive oil, with a bit of white wine and chicken stock added halfway through. Sliced, served on top of Israeli couscous, with Spicy Plum Ketchup spooned on top (I cut the liquid in half as it makes it too thin for me).

There were steamed green beans. And wine.


Dinner was black beans with avocado and a pork chop. Vino and strawberries.


Sous vide pork tenderloin with peach onion chutney, blistered beans with sriracha alongside. A repeat from a couple of weeks ago to use up some peaches that were past their prime for fresh eating but still tasty. Pork got two hours at 126 degrees then a solid sear on all sides. Texture was perfect!


Amazing looking dishes!

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Ooo. Any fruit binge is not a good thing… I had a friend who ate a Costco package of blueberries. He realized after he had eaten the majority of it that their might be a problem with all that fiber.

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Wow- sounds good. I’ve also seen hollowed out toasted marshmellows filled with Bailey’s.


My mom took the most interesting picture of a red frog at her cottage. Extremely unusual for we Canucks.

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Oh that Tuna! Make me salivate!



Jebus! I missed a few days on this thread and you folks have been so busy!

Our weather flat out sucks right now. Sept 15th and we have 2 C and a mixture of snow and rain. Reminds me of January in France, when I lived there. I prefer snow because I hate being cold and wet.

However given all you poor people down in the Carolinas, I should just keep my mouth shut! Please stay safe!

The crappy weather and spending the day outside doing a bottle drive for the boy scouts meant I needed something warm and good for the soul. I went with chili for dinner last night and a nice crusty multigrain baguette.

Today’s forecast is not much better so I am leaning on some tequila lime chicken tacos. I have some chicken breast to use up. I may make some guacamole to go with it.


Looks fantastic!

Beautiful tarte!

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We are north of Boston in one of the towns with gas explosions. All is well in the GP house, no damage or injury.
We have power but no gas service. So the cooktop is out, the dryer is off and the showers are cold. But it could of been much worse so we are pretty OK with where we’re at right now.
The gas could be reconnected today or next week. It depends on the street and the issues houses on the street have.
The weather is good and we have the grill and the oven. Pulled pork for us tonight and for a couple of nights. Its a crazy weekend on the east coast!


I saved this recipe to try: https://whiteonricecouple.com/recipes/garlic-knots/

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