What's for Dinner #29 - 01/2018 - New Year 2018 Edition

That would be a good t-shirt!


Refried pinto beans from the instant pot and carnitas from the freezer crisped up in a pan.


@ccj, I think that’s a question for @hungryonion, site owner.

Flatbreads tonight, then off to see Daniel Day-Lewis’ last movie

And the picture is upside down. :confounded:


Working on smoked chicken thighs for dinner with sautéed kale. The kale is mingling with diced onions, garlic and chicken fat from the trimmings of the thighs.

I like to to try to integrate the waste from the other ingredients to enhance the meal. Less waste and It all has a part in the play


Ideally people ordering to go are eating it shortly, or perhaps won’t have access to a way of reheating the falafel. They don’t offer delivery but if they did the falafel would need to be packed seperate. I’ve had a falafel pita that was made two hours earlier and although it was certainly better than none the issues you describe are spot on.

I would wear that!! :joy:

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Those flatbreads look like some weird lights hanging from the ceiling.

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They do! I find the upside down photos hilarious. Let’s enjoy them before they flip back themselves or get fixed.


Super garlic meatballs and ranch dressing for dip. I finally found a ranch dressing I like, store bought and homemade included. I still don’t get the hype but am loving the Primal Kitchen brand, less dilly than other recipes. Back from the doctor. I’m glad I’m a person who logs everything, he agrees that for now it looks like sweet potatoes until proven otherwise. If not for my psycho bullet journal I was in for a lot of tests so fingers crossed that the solution is a simple elimination.


They do look kind of weird
thankfully they tasted pretty good.

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I think they would look much more delicious , if the picture was upside down!(lol)

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@fldhkybna, I have a story regarding journaling that you may find interesting. An allergy doctor who was treating me was himself an allergy sufferer, although the tests never showed anything. So he started keeping a detailed journal, and after some time, he found that his problems–terrible headaches in his case–occurred 48 hours after eating chicken or eggs. When he removed them from his diet, the problem went away. His take on the matter was that he was allergic to some intermediate metabolic product. So you may find it interesting to investigate a 2 or 3 day period preceding the problems.

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Yea, sometimes people have delayed reactions but my journal shows that every time I’ve eaten sweet potatoes, GI self destruction starts in 45 minutes. If it’s not sweet potatoes I’ll have to look over a longer time span but seems pretty consistent with sweet potatoes. I know many don’t like it but logging can be so helpful with things like this. Doctor gave me a very curious smile when I whipped out my journal with the “poo tracker.” It’s hard to monitor what you don’t track. He seemed so convinced that held off on any tests including basic blood work.

I hope I never have a reaction to chicken or eggs, main food groups for me. My dad found the same with allergies and dairy with symptoms 3 days later.

As long as you find the answer, that’s great!


any one has a good recipe for venison sausage?
I have a meat grinder with sausage attachments, was given a doe by a hunger as gift ( not allowed to sale venison in Md State), , pay for butchering $85.00. I use that or my poms, I made some venison burger which was really good with it. So, decided o make venison. The local Italian Deli told me they have natural hog casings, so, want to give it a try. I have some pork from them which i bought for making spring rolls, ( 80-20) but they are grind twice. They advised me to buy pork that are ground once. Just received my 2 kinds of sausage spices from savory spice, ( one is for chorizo, and the other for venison) Do no like to add fat, so was thinking perhaps add cheese? do I have to use high temp cheese? what is the difference between making sausage like what I get from Italian Deli, not cooked ? I prefer to smoke them since I have a smoker and does that make them become summer sausages? Of course, I will still refrigerate or freeze whatever. Thanks

I have been making a fair amount of sausage lately, and this website tends to have decent recipes. This particularly venison sausage preparation has a nice looking balance. In step 6, after the sausage has dried, this is when you would pop them into the smoker. You can either take them to full temp in the smoker, or get the smoke you want and then finish in a sous vide machine.

To answer some of your questions:
I would grind the pork myself and not buy pre-ground
Don’t think you need pre-made spice blends, but maybe they are okay.
I hate cheese in sausage so I wouldn’t.
No. Summer sausage uses Fermento. Totally different animal.


Pho for dinner.


the italian deli says they can grind it coarse for me for sausage since they make their own sausage. Just an extra step for me
however, i can also grind it myself, but the pork I have tend to be on the lean side
they say their ground pork is 80/20,
somehow, i am not getting any answers like I used to do, I do not know why
I will look into Fermento
my son does not eat mushroom!

Steelhead with sautéed kale, onions and peppers