What's for Dinner #23 - 07/2017 - the Summertime Picnic & Grilling Edition

How could I not think of you
office/ watermelon/party


Life has been insane recently. Work is super busy, usually things at the hospital slow down in the summer, not this year. It’s like everyone is taking vacation and deciding to get a biopsy. My appetite has taken a hit from the weather, seems my cats also don’t want to eat (is this a thing?!) So, dinner was an easy throw together meal. Sautéed some ground beef with onions and garlic and Foxpoint while I baked eggs in the toaster oven, mixed it all together, added the most delicious ghee ever (Fourth and Heart garlic ghee) and ate as wraps with nori. It wasn’t the prettiest but hit the spot.

Raspberry lime yogurt popsicles for dessert


Happy Birthday and Good Luck on the house
I see you have Le Creuset’s pasta dishes.
Is that cobalt blue?
I love Le Creuset. Few years ago, I decided to collect their cast iron cookwares and bakeware in different colors. Then, their bowls, and finally, their pasta dishes. I have 6 of the cobalt and 6 other mix colors . Love your majolica too.
Gives me a whimsical(correct word?) feeling.

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Happy birthday, and good luck with the next (now seven!) few days with house preparation!

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Late birthday greetings…but wishes for a wonderful year! Hope the home selling goes smoothly.

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Happy happy… though I suspect you can’t celebrate to the fullest while preparing real estate for market.

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My husband avoids bluefish for the same reason but he knows I love it. Still, he expresses his concern but my response to him is that I only eat it maybe twice a year in the summertime when they are plentiful in New England. If mercury doesn’t kill us, something else will.

I also don’t give it to spring onion. Boxed mac & cheese is also a thing of the past now. The list goes on and on. Everything in moderation is my mantra.


or he’s a jolly good fellow,
for he’s a jolly good fellow
for he’s a jolly good fellow
that nobody can deny

Fabulous meals, everyone!

I don’t eat tuna (or sword fish) often simply because it’s just not the same quality like you get in Japan so I wait to eat my fill when I go there (again). Another reasoning is I don’t eat it every day so mercury poisoning isn’t really a concern.

Hope I can make it to Japan again next year and then I will gorge on tuna. Japan was the first holiday I lost weight from eating so much fish!

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New England swordfish is terrific. The best I have ever had actually.

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Enjoy! And it costs much less than in Japan.

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As are most things, but I love Japan.

It is hot here. Really hot. I fried up some falafel for lunch, but there was no way I was turning on any source of heat tonight. So, I washed the last of the market lettuce, and sliced up the carrots before adding the swordfish salad. Of course the leftover fish was spectacular. Added some cornichon, capers, lemon juice, olive oil, salt, pepper and just a bit of homemade mayo. On the side, a loaf of ciabatta pulled from the freezer.


Lamb rib chops SV @ 131F x 90 min then blasted on the grill to get some color on. Nice and med-med rare

Used up some previous roasted beets and added feta and roasted some potatoes


Do you start a charcoal fire to finish a SV preparation, or do you have a gas grill? I find I can’t justify starting a fire just to sear for a few moments.


I use charcoal often in summer, but I usually grill other things also. I may sous vide chicken, beef and pork, then grill them over charcoal, then grill eggplant, summer squash, potatoes, corn, etc., as the coals die down.

It is seriously hot and icky lately. Very little actual cooking going on.
I made this great chickpea and sunflower seed salad i love yet haven’t made in forever- i mixed up a batch and had some with cucumber slices, bell pepper strips and some seedy overpriced fancy crackers i bought on impulse.

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Hot and sticky here as well. I can not wait until this weather breaks! Dinner was grilled chicken and a tortellini salad. Farmers’ market is in the morning and we must have bought “short” last week, so no vegetables to be had.

Chicken was dry brined for 24 hours, 15 minutes of smoking over cherry wood, 15 minutes of Worcestershire and then the final 15 minutes was mopping with our home-made Inner Beauty sauce. Enough left over to have dinner, without cooking, again tomorrow.


My cooking mojo has been gone for several weeks. No interest in cooking, and not much interest in eating (although I have been doing so; I’m not gonna starve myself). Having a headache for the same amount of time probably has something to do with it. Along with the hot and sticky weather.

I’ve had scrambled eggs, frozen fish and some chicken and rice. That was the most exciting things I’ve made. So tonight, I made a concerted effort tonight to “cook”.

A mozzarella burger with caramelized onions, tomato and lettuce on a lightly toasted egg roll, Alexia sweet potato fries, and a quick corn, sugar snap pea, red bell pepper, and chive salad tossed with a dressing of balsamic and olive oil. I made the mistake of having a V&L with dinner. Probably not a good idea with a headache.

But overall, it was decent. Hopefully a few days away from work will help my non-sociable mood - and make the headache go away.