What’s on your mind?

I have never felt more like a bullfrog. And I thank you for that. Do you drink wine? https://video.search.yahoo.com/search/video?fr=yfp-t-s&ei=UTF-8&p=jeremiah+was+a+bullfrog+three+dog+night+youtube+songs#id=1&vid=3331c551a39e4744816a680d2189ade2&action=click


What like this:



(post deleted by author)

Gimmie Yum


Pinochle. Anyone play? Have not played in awhile but this game, this amazing game had an impact on my life. I never progressed to bridge but you never know. Probably not though. Recall a time when there was no internet and tv was an event to be planned if you even had a television. People often played cards. In many ways my childhood was idyllic. I grew up in a dive bar and a slaughterhouse. I had no idea but the sausage factory had long been closed. I used to catch and release toads that loved to bask in the cement courtyard where they killed the pigs. I was a wild child and happy. One day I heard my name called by shes that must be obeyed. Not to channel Rumpole but my grandmother and her sisters needed a fourth for pinochle. I was summoned to the cool living room with a card table all set up. It was a sultry summer afternoon when I met my doom. I would make rookie mistakes like leading with the ace of spades but those insane old biddies learned me good. Real good. They set my foot on a path which I still walk on to this very day. My SO played, well he was in the navy, okay to not go on and on (oh who am I kidding) everyone played. What an amazing pastime. years later my posse was innocently strolling through a falling apart indoor farmers market when we spied a large gaming area which sealed my doom. People they were playing cards! A game called magic the gathering. I have been hooked ever since. My friends my family. This game has taken over my life. Poor Joseph Campbell to have his life’s work reduced to “follow your bliss” but for me this is my truth. Went to target today and got seduced by new cards. So does anyone play? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinochle

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I do not, but have always liked the sound of the name. I have played “spades”, and “bid whist”, but that was before the internet and video games. I was not good at “bid whist”. :expressionless:

I have created a line for some forum posts that need 10 or more characters. I’ve saved it in email. Here it is.


I don’t get the impression that the lack of characterS is a major issue in this particular thread .


Not for this forum. It’s for some other fora. Some require 8 or 20 letters or more.

Yes, for this forum. I’ve encountered that requirement in other threads when all I could muster was an emoji – which wasn’t enough.

My previous comment was specifically about this thread, where the opposite tends to be the case.


Pinochle is my favorite card game though I haven’t played in years now. None better in my opinion. There’s a few variations but I only played single deck with single bid…no auction bidding. I worked in a packing house between college and the service and we’d play in the tavern off the back gate on our 30 minute breaks or after work if we got off early.

I don’t recall being part of an organized protest…except once when we were on strike at the packing house.

I’ve seen several protests in my life both large and small. Much too often the original good intent gets lost as a crowd swells and a mob mentality creeps in. Add a counter protesting crowd to that dynamic and it quickly just turns into a soccer match. And when the dust clears both sides go home virtuously patting each other on the back and the community has to pick up the pieces.


Some require bourbon as an emoji is just not enough.

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Not enough bourbon (scotch in my case) in the world :joy:


It’s as set by the admins of those websites to fight spam I guess. And they are usually global, not for individual threads. Also many of them have the wait times between posts.
Tired of that now I can just copy paste this word :sweat_smile:
Made it for Supercell forum. They shut it down last year though.

Many fora using Discourse require 20 characters, but it is Admin configurable and it appears that this instance (Hungry Onion, I mean) of Discourse does not have a minimum number required.

Anywhere you find that it does, you can insert invisible text to make up the necessary total. Any string of letter characters embedded within left- and right-pointing carets works.

For example, if you remove the initial space, these would be invisible text:

< mmmmmmmm>

< abcdefghijk>

However, your solution is more fun.

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I want to clarify what the mod team does here. If you take a look at the site rules, it clearly say that there is no personal attacks and politics. If we see something going awry, we’ll review and handle accordingly. With that said, we have a few volunteer mods, we don’t and can’t read everything, especially we all have regular day jobs and run the forum as a hobby. hence why we rely on the flag system for users to flag problematic posts.


Gotcha. I am still using my training wheels here. The little wheels are onion shaped. Love totoro. https://ghibli-shop.com/product/totoro-plush-toys-cute-fat-cat/

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In college I had a delightfully charming English prof and he put forth the idea to the class of not reading all the classics and saving a few for old age. As he was doing. You never know, you might fall in with the wrong crowd someday. And they might need a fourth for pinochle.

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Well I am never doing the protest thing again. We only had ten people tops and I was also responding to the other flag you usually fly but took down for Flag week. I can be subtle. See see? As another member mentioned right before I proposed to her, being an observer provides many gifts. My big point buried in there among my ramblings was that I was the only one in the diverse group over many weeks who felt strongly that the police were protecting us, not spying on us. I helped with a union protest a few times. The group picketed peacefully outside a heat treat plant. United Steel Workers. Most truckers would not cross a picket line then. Dunno about now. Someone falsely accused the picketers of placing nails in the road and when the management inside ordered a pizza delivered the strikers paid for the pizza and enjoyed it themselves. And laughed a lot. For Occupy Lansdale I tried to keep it light. For example we had a thick rope connecting the signs and when a friendly guy walked past with his pet cockatoo I encouraged him to let the bird perch on our rope. For solidarity you know. Also interesting was all pedestrians gave us fist pumps and some of the men shook hands. People in cars not so much.

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