What are you baking? March 2022


I was introduced to the recipe by fellow CH/HO member sallyt.

It was really easy to make.

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Thank you for the magazine link. Fun to go thru and yes, some interesting rhubarb recipes.
I might try the rhubarb chocolate mouse.

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Now that’s my kinda cake! Lemon with more lemon! It is beautiful!

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My third bake in as many weeks of Joanne Chang’s banana bread, from the cookbook Flour (P. 66).

Like other posters to the original COTM thread on CH, I’ve had trouble with this bread sinking. The first bake I followed the recipe exactly (using weights), and the loaf sunk. The second bake I added 30 g. of whole wheat flour and increased the pan size, and the still loaf sunk (but not as much). For today’s bake, and inspired by my usual go-to for banana bread from The Silver Palate, I increased the amount of flour by a total of 70 grams, and used a blend of 50/50 AP to whole wheat. I decreased the sugar to 200 grams, sort of splitting the difference here between the two recipes. I used the bigger pan.

It worked – yay! Although you can see by one of the crumb shots in the slideshow that it was a close call. I think I’ve had enough banana bread for a while, but I’ll come back to this one and tweak it a bit more (maybe bake at a higher temp or perhaps reduce the baking soda?). Not sure why I’m obsessed with perfecting this one, as the SP recipe is very good, but for whatever reason, I feel compelled to make it work.


The mark of a good baker :slight_smile:

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A post was merged into an existing topic: What’s For Dinner #79 - the Carly Simon “An-ti-ci-pay-yay-shun” Edition - March 2022

How does this work that someone else can move my post?

The mods can move a post where they think it may have been miscategorized.


Tonight’s dinner was Alison Roman’s lasagna. It was delicious. It is the ideal vegetarian (if you leave out the anchovies) tomato sauce lasagna. It is flavorful, very cheesy and crisp on top, tender in the middle.


Strawberry pie….when you can’t wait until May! I was seduced by the fragrance of these strawberries but did not delude myself that they would be great for eating out of hand, hence the pie. I’ve only made a cooked strawberry pie one other time using farmer market strawberries, but this was tasty when you are yearning for spring berries.


Oh, that crumb looks amazing. And it looks so moist! The tweaking has paid off!

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Holy moly, send me a slice! Super thanks for not giving up on uploading.

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Welcome to my life.


A friend in North Carolina texted me yesterday to brag that their local berries were in, and now this… I might need to follow your example, Nannybakes!


It’s amazing what sugar and heat can do for them…it did scratch my itch!:blush:

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A Texas sheet cake. Had never made and we were surprised how good it is. I used part black cocoa.


I have Ottolenghi’s no knead bread in the oven as I type. In my view, it’s a vast improvement over the Lahey recipe.

When I used to use the Lahey recipe, I only liked the bread the first day. I like the Ottolenghi version the second, third and even the fourth day.

To my taste, the Lahey version’s crust has a nice texture, but the interior is lacking in flavor. I find the Ottolenghi version to be flavorful.

I like the 24 hour initial rise better than Lahey’s 18 hour initial rise.

Unlike Lahey, Ottolenghi’s recipe doesn’t call for the dough to be put in a searing hot pot. My fingers appreciate this.

FYI, the challah recipe in the attachment is wonderful. It’s my husband’s favorite bread as his taste in bread runs to soft and sweet. I like a crunchy crust and a somewhat chewy interior so the no knead bread is my favorite.


First time trying banh mi rolls. Very gooey sticky dough but I did manage to get some shape to them. Haven’t tasted yet but they are feather light. The recipe had you brush Margerine (I used butter) when they came from the oven. I hope that doesn’t soften the crust - it was crispy when it came out.


@Elsieb Please report back once you’ve tried them.

First tiny taste and I knew I’d forgotten the salt :triumph:. Even so a great crispy and flaky crust. Very light and delicate - not a tough to chew crust. And held together well for the below sandwich of David Lieberman faux gras and veggies.