What are you baking? April 2022

If you love browned butter, as I do, you may be very pleased with Stella Parks version of browned butter Pecan Sandies; I made them once, and they were heavenly, with the browned butter flavor really shining through. I would reduce the sugar by 1/4 next time though.


Thanks. I think I made those at some point. Stella puts way too much sugar in all her shortbread/sandy cookies. Shortbread and sablés should not have equal parts flour and sugar.
Her brown butter ricotta cookies are probably my favorite of all her cookies, and very easy to make, too.

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I made this as well and we loved how tart is in. I searched around and this was the least sugar/lemon juice recipe I could find. The crust is easy; you pat it in the prepared pan; don’t roll. I did refrigerate crust dough overnight.

Only deviation was that I realized too late that the lemon filling is supposed to be cooked like lemon curd stovetop after the crust is blind-baked, and then cooled before pouring into the crust and chilling for 1 - 4 hours. I was planning to serve it to a guest in a few hours, so took a chance and just poured the uncooked filling into the blind-baked crust and baked at 350 degrees for about 30 - 35 minutes.

It baked/set great! After cooling countertop, I added a pint each of whole fresh blackberries and raspberries. My son wasn’t interested but his guest when offered took home 2 pieces “for his wife” after he ate one piece in our kitchen.

My husband and I loved how tart it is. And my husband never eats desserts. The two of us demolished it with 24 hours. This will be my dream lemon tart forever!


I’ve heard that about the sugar, but it was after I made the sandies. Good to know about the ricotta cookies though - thanks!

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Wow, these are beautiful. I do much more savory baking than sweet, and I don’t bake anywhere near as often as most people who post here.

This did remind me how much I love the ciabatta rolls in Daniel Leader’s Simply Great Breads. I have loved every recipe I’ve tried that small book of his. I also have his Local Breads, and I’ll have to compare the recipes (don’t have time at the moment; I do have both books). I can get great olives, so I’ll try the Local Bread version soon after comparing. I suspect the hydration levels/ingredients/process might be very similar.

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You know I’ve had this book a while but for some reason or other every time I’ve planned to bake something from it, it ended up not happening. I was dying to finally bake something and these were absolutely terrific. I made half of the recipe and my general note for this book is that just half will be good for most recipes. Thankfully he makes it very easy to do that with the weights and baker’s percentages included.
I want to make the green olive sticks, too.


So happy you and guest enjoyed it! Great that your curd worked out well, you saved a step! Blackberries and lemon curd are such a wonderful combination! Here’s to more lemon tarts!


I agree that the weights are really helpful. I have stopped using baking cookbooks that don’t give weights and I really appreciate them in recipes for anything/everything. Volume measures too often produce less-than-stellar results. I also appreciate the reminder to go back to Local Breads.

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What a great write up!

Makes me want to try making it. In the future, would you do things the same or would you cook the curd first?

After lunch treat at home. French macaron with chocolate ganache and dulce de leche centre. I use the Swiss method for my shells


I would definitely do it the same way again; no reason to spend the time and cause more clean up to cook the curd separately. Next time I will also sub cornmeal for 1/3 of the flour. I love the crunch and taste of cornmeal in pie crusts.



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Thank you

Did you strain the curd before pouring into crust?

Lemon jam cake with strawberry glaze. This has a small ribbon of strawberry jam in the cake, the lemon jam is incorporated in the batter.
Served with a dollop of lemon curd.


A work of art


Why thank you Stef…thank you very much!

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Nope…it turned out fine without straining. The curd was baked in the parbaked pie crust “raw” rather than cooked on the stove top. I don’t know if that made a difference or not in terms of needing straining.

Milk bread from Mooncakes and Milk Bread. Easy dough to work with, though mine was definitely stickier than shown in the book. Still easy to shape with a bit of flour and the butter in it kept it from sticking to the counter. I do find single loaves like this sometimes just aren’t enough dough for my large capacity stand mixer, but it worked out in the end. I was originally going to leave this in the fridge for 8 hours to rise, but plans changed so it got maybe 3 hours in the fridge and a couple on the counter in a cool room. Haven’t tried it yet, so can’t compare with the one I made ages ago from Pastry Love, and honestly I don’t

remember the details anyway.


I made two 6-inch garlic butter cheesy wool roll breads and one regular 8-inch to use up some queso de hoja that was not as good as usual.