
Happened to be in the baking aisle at Costco last night, pints of pure vanilla extract were $10.99
Last time I bought vanilla it was ,$58 per quart.

I was overcome with excitement & bought 32 bottles.


I’ve noticed the price reduction, too. I hope non-alcoholic extracts follow this trend soon. Fortunately, the high vanilla prices had me omitting vanilla from a lot of recipes and I now think vanilla extract is criminally overused.

P.S. what are you gonna do with 32 pints?

Try Vencedora. $15 for a quart. It may lack pedigree, but I like it a lot.

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Are you joking about 32 bottles?

Yes. I bought 2.


I’ve been taking the make-your-own route for many years now. I just checked my pantry and it looks like still have two 375 ml bottles I started in late October 2020 . I use cheap vodka, Costco vanilla beans which are sold for a somewhat reasonable price around Thanksgiving/Christmas.