The Future of Liquor License in NJ

Yes, I’ve eaten at a table downstairs on my last visit there, it was fine but a bit cold. Old Glory is obviously a restaurant / bar, Murphy’s on the other hand is a single family home, buried in a local neighborhood with a walk-in basement bar. No joke. As @taboni indicated they have become much more genteel over the years there are new owners and an actual sign outside now, it used to be you had to know where it was if you wanted to go. There used to be a light on the outside of the basement door, if it was on they were open, that was the only indication that there was a bar there.

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:wink: There are literally hundreds of photos on the www for Murphys.

South NJ; Egg Harbor, Tukerton have a few home based social clubs.

Dam web ruins everything!

A well kept secret is rarely well kept. With or without the Net. :upside_down_face:

Yeah but unfortunately none of them are old enough to capture the rawness of the original layout and decor (long central double sided bar…bathroom in an unheated space behind a creaky T-111 door…ah memories

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Speaking of alcohol, Sandy Hook just banned it today (except by permit for parties).

The Chief Ranger said the Hook was becoming a “party beach”. Perhaps if he witnessed some of the stuff that goes on at beaches further south, he would reevaluate.


Even more reason to belong to a beach club!!!

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I don’t get this whole Gar Bar thing. I’ve been drinking in my garage for years. Anyone walking by is welcome to join - assuming they are of age.


Do you know we’re going to show up now, right?

You’re welcome any time.

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What’s the address again?


Or for frequenting an unprotected beach!!!

I’ve been walking around all day looking for your garage…


The garage will be open as soon as it warms up just a little. If it’s not open, just knock.


I don’t profess to know the first thing about NJ’s liquor laws, but I see that Flames in Belmar is having a party to celebrate the expiration of its “summer” liquor license (in mid-November?) as it won’t be able to sell alcohol again until May. Is this a thing?

Liquor licenses are issued based on population so it would make some sense that in towns like Belmar where the population probably quadruples in the summer. So from that perspective I could see that there might be some kind of stipulation to allow seasonal licenses. (though I have -0- first hand knowledge)

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That’s great news for me. I haven’t been to Flame yet but AYCE+BYO is my idea of a good time.



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Former Jersey girl here. Now living in MA, where full-serve liquor licenses can go for $450K+ in Boston proper, perhaps slightly less in the outskirts. But they tend to concentrate in the areas where the owners can make back their money by charging much higher prices for burgers or whatever they’re serving for food. And they’ve only recently increased the number of liquor licenses available to be sold. (Resale of the license by the purchaser is allowed if they’re closing up shop.)

BTW, there’s no BYOB or Happy Hours (banned in 1984, before I got here) in MA. Only at gaming casinos can they give out a single free drink to those on the casino floor. And they only recently started allowing patrons to take an single unfinished bottle of wine home after it was re-corked, sealed in a one-time use bag with the meal receipt attached, and the patron is supposed to place in the trunk away from whoever was driving.

So the three states I’ve lived in - NJ, PA, and MA - all have restrictive liquor laws. Figures. :unamused:


Not an expert but I do have some experience with a club license…

From what know seasonal population doesn’t increase the amount of available licenses, as these are awarded based on census population figures. Its 1 consumption license per 3,000 residents and 1 retail per 7,500 unless grandfathered prior to the 1948 law enactment. There are exceptions for clubs, hotels, etc though.

Seasonal licenses in NJ are either May-Nov or Dec-Apr

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