NJ ripoffs. This could get ugly....

Whereas being a total jack@$$ is apparently not overrated with you.

Can we have a West Coast Mexican Seafood thread split from this impending train wreck before the collision?
Asking for a friend…


Looks like @corvette_johnny nailed the title of the post…

NJ ripoffs. This could get ugly….


I honestly meant that I thought tons people would be chiming in about NJ places, not fighting with each other.


I haven’t tried fish tacos at surf. I gave up on that place a while back. Nothing is bad there but just too bland for me.

I think, at least the way I understood back in the old days from that old site :sweat_smile:, the “Don’t yuck my yum” is more about very distinctive foods, not so much about the same food. Like you said, this is a food discussion board and we are all passionate about food, so disagreement about what is the best fish taco or burger or whatever is unavoidable.

The “Don’t yuck my yum” is more like…statements like: I hate natto and anyone who likes natto has no idea what good food is like – pretty much bashing something you are not familiar with or even tried.


But the truth is that … it is a suggestion, not a hard rule. We recently have a disccusion topic where pretty much everyone bashed the raw water movement.


I like Natto (but have no problems if other would say that this would indicate that I have no idea about good food) - have you triec natto with fried rice and ground pork ?

{{ Moderators Hat Back On }}

I’m going to request that we keep things on topic for this thread which is Ripoff’s in New Jersey. If you want to discuss fish taco’s in NJ or other then please start an appropriate thread. However at this time I’m going to ask that all parties stick to the topic at hand, ripoff’s in New Jersey.

As a side note I"m going to once again request any comments directed at another member of the forum be respectful, there is NO excuse for name calling or conflict. It’s ok to disagree with someone it is NOT ok to criticize them for their opinion(s).


What’s the biggest burrito rip off in NJ ?



I happen to be watching The Sopranos S2, as you all chatter. It’s funny. :slight_smile:


Here’s a general class of rip offs: Establishments that don’t give you free tap water. What is that all about? You’re so greedy that you won’t pour fucking tap water into a cup for a customer?

My recent trip to Johnny Macs in Asbury Park really pissed me off. They no longer serve tap water. You have to pay for bottled water at the bar. You can’t fucking serve some free water at a place where you’re charging 5-10$ for everything else liquid?

On a slightly different note, I was at a Bubba Koos recently to get a burrito. The burrito was like 8.50. I hand the girl a 10 and ask for a cup of tap water. She goes “Take one from the fridge, it’ll be 10 bucks total, I gave you a discount since you waited so long in line, the water is normally 2 bucks.”

I was so dumbfounded I couldn’t even muster the words to resist. I did take a soda instead, but wow, that girl totally thought she was doing me this great service by offering me 50c off a water bottle for waiting in line, when all I wanted was the free water.


Just go with it man, we always knew you were clairvoyant.

Brothers in red bank charges for fountain soda refills. After learning about this a long time ago I just drink pints of beer for only slightly more

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Really?? Soda fountain refill charges? I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before.

I was hammering down cokes eating some sausage pie with a bunch of red pepper. I think I had 5 but remember they are filled with ice. I get my bill and I was like “miss this is the wrong bill” and she then told me all those drinks were mine. Unreal. I had like like 12.50 dollars or something like that for soda alone. I think they were 2.50 a pop or so. So it’s water or beer there for me

Because water is not free, and it is about saving the environment.

I guess you’re being sarcastic but I’m not really understanding what you’re getting at. :slight_smile:

That happens to me a lot too !

Yeah, a little sarcastic, but a little based on what is being practiced in San Francisco because water is highly conserved. Restaurants will not give out water unless you ask for – preventing wasting water.


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Ah, interesting, I hadn’t heard of this. You know, water service at restaurants is a funny thing. You never notice when they are doing a proper job keeping you topped off, but there are scenarios where they never get you your water, and, somehow, even more annoying, is when they refill you after you’ve taken like 2 sips of the water.

But either way I guess if you want to save the environment it’s still better to have tap water than bottles.

Finally, from one of your links…

Johannes Restaurant in Palm Springs will no longer serve free water. Not even tap water. Customer will have the option of paying $1 for Waiwera water, a bottled water from New Zealand.

That might be the most preposterous thing I have ever read in my life.