I can never seem to get through a bunch of cilantro before it goes bad.

So I made cilantro kimchi today. How do you use up things like cilantro or parsley?

I never have a problem using parsley or coriander before it rots. I just buy the big bunch or the small bunch depending on need.

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I love cilantro and parsley (and arugala, etc) - so if I am at the supermarket and am in the mood - I can go overboard - and you are right - it goes bad quite quickly. I have a great idea for you - put bunches and bunches of cilantro (or parsley) in the food processor with a head of garlic (peeled of course) and a tsp of paprika and cumin - some salt and then start processing - adding olive oil until it becomes a sauce and then you can freeze it - and use it a bit at a time. You can do the same thing with hot peppers - (same spices) - and add a tsp at a time in your cooking.

This is what I do. Any time I have parsley or cilantro that are about to go off, I throw them in the blender or food processor with whatever else I have lying around - garlic, scallions, green olives, nuts, other herbs, roasted peppers, etc. Add oil, vinegar, lemon juice or whatever to taste. These sauces/condiments always come out tasting fresh and delicious, and can be used to liven up grilled or roasted meats and vegetables, stirred into rice, couscous or orzo, eaten as a dip or salad dressing, mixed with mayo/sour cream to form a thicker dip/spread, etc.

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Sounds like someone needs to learn to make West Lake Beef Chowder AND SHARE WITH HIS NEIGHBORS… :grin:

I can get cilantro here 6 or 8 bunches for $1. I buy a few bunches, wash them and chop them by hand. I put them in ice cube trays, top off with water and freeze. Pop out the cubes into a freezer bag, and I’ve got cilantro for cooking. Doesn’t work for guacamole or things like that, but they are perfect for my Indian cooking.

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I sautée Italian parsley, stems first then add leaves a bit after, with minced garlic, olive oil, and a bit of red pepper flakes. It’s very good!

Whoah! Where are you located??

I LOVE cilantro and will literally chop handfuls to add to whatever i’m eating. Salads, coleslaw, smoothies, juices, sandwiches, hummus, tabouli, pasta, ontop of tacos or burgers, in guacamole…
Of course the blend amd freeze ideas are probably the answer you’re looking for instead of “just eat it on everything!” :wink:

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So. CA. Cheap produce everywhere. :slight_smile:

cilantro, i always end up throwing out. but for parsley, i take half of it as soon as i get home and throw it in a bag in the freezer. other things that go in this bag are: the white part of scallions, herb stems, the outer skin of onions, potato peels etc and then once a month or so i use it all to make vegetable stock

I use it when I make tacos . Cilantro and chopped onions together for the condiment . The only time I use it. After that it goes to the fridge then sits for a couple weeks and into the garbage .

I just chop and put in some water in the freezer bag and freeze flat. Just lop off how much you need. Easier than ice cubes.

I grow cilantro, and the last time I had an abundance I made a walnut and cilantro pesto. In a food processor, I added walnuts, cilantro, garlic, lime juice, and enough walnut oil to make a paste. I froze half of the mixture and have been keeping the other half (submerged in walnut oil) in the refrigerator. I’ve put it over pasta and used it on grilled fish. Delicious!

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I don’t like a ton of cilantro so the last time I bought a bunch I washed it, let dry, snipped off a little of the stems, put in a coffee cup with about 1/2" of water, topped with plastic produce bag and stored in refrig. Lasted at least 2 weeks…just keep refreshing the water.

I’ve kept a bunch of cilantro and a bunch of parsley in quart sized mason jars with about an inch of water and the lid on in the fridge for about a week now. They look better than when I bought them! For years I’ve kept them in a cup of water in the fridge. Recently I read an article online about how to best store produce and it suggested rinsing them first and put the lid (or plastic bag) on the jar - seems to be very effective.

I’ve been using Gourmanda’s method for years. Cilantro usually lasts 10-14 days before the color of the leaves fades and they lose their taste. The stems are still fine. But your method seems much easier and eliminates the risk of knocking over the glass with the cilantro. Thanks!

Do a cilantro detox routine and eat them all up in one go!

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I never have enough cilantro, especially if you like the Vietnamese pho, and see how much fresh herbs they use in the noodle soup.

As for parsley, I used to ask a similar question, here are some useful feedback: