Favorite Recipe Sites?

I find myself going back to Serious Eats over and over for good recipes. What sites do you like and why?

I like Serious Eats because they usually try several different methods and then detail the one they liked. For example, if I use google to search for a recipe such as “boston baked beans”, they are the first hit. Probably because I have a cookie for them. But there are several other sites. Are they any good? Who knows. Immediate turn offs would be a recipe that calls for canned beans. Or any time I see the words “Easy” or “Quick”, I move on. I’m not looking for quick or easy. I want an authentic (yes, I know there is no such thing, just the idea it’s based on some actual history) well thought out recipe.



I’m usually looking for a specific recipe or, at least, some idea for cooking a specific ingredient, so Google will usually bring up several sites. My first port of call would usually be BBC Good Food - mainly because it suits my level of competence in the kitchen. Or, if you like, for the exact opposite reasons as you mention - I want to do something with a tin of beans and I’m always interested in “quick” and “easy”.

I might explore other online options if I’m looking for a traditional recipe (we agree about the nonsense that is “authentic”) - say, Lancashire Hotpot or a Cheshire pork pie

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I agree with @Harters. It’s much easier to locate a specific recipe, read through a few variations the search produces on the dish and then decide which one to try. Over time, you may find a specific website that you come to trust.

FWIW, After Serious Eats and Simply Recipes merged, I was disappointed in the recast SE. I don’t care for the new format or the expanded topics now covered.

Food52.com (and only the food/drink sections) have volumes of recipe ideas from all sorts of pros and semi pros.


I love watching Chef John on YouTube and he hasn’t steered me wrong yet. Also a fan of Kenji Lopez-Alt. I pay to read the NYT food section. Ina Garten’s recipes are always successful. Sometimes I get inspiration from the Guardian’s food section - I especially enjoy reading the reader comments. Also, I confess to watching ATK on YouTube, as well, even though they make me cringe at times.


This is exactly what I do. Search for a specific dish, try to figure out from the half a dozen sites that are commonly at the top of the search and cobble the recipe together the way I think will be best. It’s picking through those common sites that I want to shortcut. Sometimes I’ll click on the 8th “O” of “gooooooooooogle” to see if I can find a gem that’s not working so hard for high search result placement. Someone who loves cooking more than clicks or hits. Haven’t been terribly successful. :frowning: Am hoping to get a list of the sites you trust fora good recipe.


Ah! I didn’t realize the changes at SE, just that I rarely look there in the past year.


I’ve been let down by almost every site/channel (chef John adding cardamom to pineapple upside down cake… yuck), and while this is not the norm, I have learned to sample a number of recipes before following any one verbatim. Moreover, even if one is good, that doesn’t ensure I won’t improve on it going forward.

I think I have only a dozen or two recipes that I do exactly the same way every time.

We all have different tastes and no one will completely address mine (or yours) every time. For instance… ATK just did a vid on crispy orange beef that pretty much looked great, but there is no way I am gonna cook orange rind (including the pith) in anything.

Another issue I have with many sites is too many unnecessary ingredients. Special wines, oils, prepared sauces, etc. that may be traditional but are simply unnecessary, resulting in tossing some of them months down the road because you just don’t use them for anything else.

We all know a number of things that always work, as well as some that don’t. If there is any doubt… taste a small quantity before throwing it all in as a recipe might suggest. You’re in control, and only you know what is flat out delicious and what may be a bit off the mark.

I’m not just clicking. I’m reading a ton of pages On just one specific dish until I land on a recipe that makes me try it. For instance, cinnamon buns. I have read dozens of online pages about making them, I compare and contrast ingredient suggestions, methods, time involved, etc. Now, that’s not every time but certainly something I’ve never tried to prepare before.

I do recommend reading. Read details. Read the experience of the recipe author. Read about the dish.

Food52.com I recommended above but I get a lot of helpful info using recipes posted by food magazines and product suppliers that sell Flour, spices, pantry item websites that have a recipe section. I have found a handful of food bloggers I trust.

Have you tried food magazine sites? Like, https://www.bonappetit.com/

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Another, https://www.kingarthurbaking.com/recipes


Each year, I peel a kilo of oranges, finely shredding the peel (pith included) and cooking,as the initial process for marmalade.

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I suppose that’s a valid process for marmalades (not a fan). But I would never use it over zest in any other recipe. Again, this is one of those “taste” things where everyone’s is different.

It’s an essential process for any marmalade that wants the bitterness from peel, such as this one that I use:

Genius! I believe my daughter sells “high search result placement” for a living, but we try not to talk about work arounds.

I used to start with Serious Eats, but now I start with New York Times, Epicurus, and then my cookbooks via “Cook Your Books”. I don’t know why, but I am hesitant to admit I often end up looking at “The Spruce” when it pops up. I also check out “Woks of Life” when it pops up on a search, and “Smitten kitchen”. I pay to read Bon Appétit, but not so neccesarilly for the recipes. Trying to explore more You Tube things that “stream”.


Channeling Chef John - You are the “Mom” of your cardamom… :blush:

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Use the same method for especially for baking projects. Also check read all the comments.


NYT is always reliable. I like some of the more researched Guardian recipes. Use also Serious Eats, Asian food, Wok of Life and of course, the recommendations from HOnions. :yum:


Sorry, what does this mean and how do you do it? Or am I missing the joke!!! Thanks.

That’s a fairly often used combination in dishes - cardamom gives a nice savory note to the sweetness of pineapple.

What’s the problem with it ? Nothing unusual.

But they are often the ingredients which make a difference as they bring certain components to a dish “regular” substitutes are missing.

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I didn’t realize it doesn’t look like that anymore! It used to look like this;

I’m not bothering recipe sites at the moment. They are mostly fail . watching on YouTube the food I’m interested in . I’m picking up a lot of interesting ideas and cooking techniques. Il Bocca TV - Italian. Great chef never stops talking. I feel like I’m in Italy. No subtitles