Farming videos and articles 2020


Thanks for starting the subject. I’ve become a big fan of Dexter’s World. Started watching Dexter a little over a year ago. He was breeding and raising tropical fish in the most rudimentary way, very basic and without all the fancy equipment we are used to seeing.

He has since expanded into organic farming, and I love his methods. He uses the materials available cheaply, and grows or captures most of the foods he feeds his animals. He now has chickens, ducks, turkeys, rabbits, goats + more. I’ve told my wife more than a few times that I want to be him.

She thinks I’m silly, and I agree. There is a sense of peace watching him take of his animals and grow his farm.


Until the day you need to kill them to eat. Unless it’s just for milk and eggs.


You may not want to watch any of his bunny videos. They are quite cute. :slight_smile:

Kidding aside. I truly appreciate the respect and care he obviously shows for all his charges. Even though the final goal is sustenance and profit, one can tell by the way he handles his animals that he really cares.

I can’t imagine feesh grated coconut costing less than chicken feeding.
Interesting music choices!

I don’t know about peaceful ( those roosters are getting BUSY), but perhaps idyllic. OTOH, it sure does seem like basing your livelihood is not for the faint of heart.

My son is living on a small farm in Turkey. Quite an experience.


Agree. At least the animals live happily before they sacrifice for us.

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I simply can’t resist.

Holy cow, that’s Andrea Martin. I probably saw this when it first aired, but it’s gone right out of my head.

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